Release The Darkness
/“In the past you were full of darkness, but now you are full of light in the Lord. So live like children who belong to the light.” Ephesians 5:8
She had accepted that her husband was now in Heaven. She had released him to live with God. That chapter of her life was complete. The memories and the influence remained in her heart and the love continued. So why was there still a feeling of darkness around her?
Darkness is associated with the unknown, with fear, with evil, with being unable to find one’s way. It is the absence of light. Darkness is also a way to express our feelings of gloom and despair. Spiritually, darkness expresses our separation from God and our hopelessness.
The darkness of loss is filled with our feelings of being lonely, lost, and not knowing how to find ourselves and the light of this different life. When the darkness of grief begins to lighten and the intensity is not so overwhelming, we begin to look at who are we now? That is when the darkness of our souls and self seems to invade the progress toward light and life.
The darkness is present because we may never have known who we really were in any relationship. We became what the situation needed or what others expected. When we look deep inside ourselves, all we see is darkness because we have not defined ourselves in the light of Jesus yet. Oh, others may see us as light and joy, but inwardly we are lost and dark and so unsure of how to maneuver on the path toward light and life.
Anxiety, worry, depression, guilt, shame, sin, and so much more fuel the darkness and the belief that this is who we really are, and we will remain in this sadness and darkness forever. Yes, these feelings are real and intense and describe where we have been and how we have felt. But when we focus only on the darkness of our souls, we miss the light. We cannot deny this part of life, but it is not all there is to life.
We need to change our focus. Darkness is present in this world. It always will be, but there is also light which reflects hope, joy, peace, life, different, change. It is all there. Yes, it is hard. Yes, we will still miss our loved one, Yes, we will need to keep choosing each day to turn toward the light and be intentional in choosing to live. We need to let go of the familiar and the comfort of the darkness. We do not want to be comfortable in the darkness, but it is so familiar but so lonely and empty. Release trying to live in the past – that is where the darkness dwells. Release to be set free from the confinement of the pain and hurt. It will consume if you let it. It will always be waiting for you in the darkness.
Release is not forgetting. It is allowing life to continue on a different path. It is choosing to forgive, to heal, to live despite the loss and pain and change. It is choosing not to live in the disappointments of life. I have been learning to choose to follow the light and live in the present. To truly experience life and find the good. I have felt the hurt and disenchantments of life but have not allowed them to pull me so deep into the darkness that I could not see the light of Jesus reach out to me.
It is living as children who belong to the light. You may not feel the joy and peace but you are choosing to begin to walk toward the peace and joy that Jesus gives. It is opening yourself to the possibility of being filled with Jesus who not only brings hope and light but also lightens your burdens and load. He offers to carry you through and hold your hand into the light of life each day.