Live Different Moments


How do you take steps into life after any change, loss, or major life change? This seminar can be created to fit the needs of your group. Elaine shares steps from existing to living. She uses stories from the life of her beloved beagle therapy dog, Annie. How to change your focus, live deliberately into life, to live in front of you and grow in your dependency on God. After going through the intensity of grief, this seminar helps people take the steps into contentment and peace.

Your group, organization, church can schedule a 2 to 4 hour seminar or several class sessions. 

Fee – Honorarium and permission to offer books for purchase. (within Ohio) Travel expenses outside of Ohio

Please contact Elaine for questions or to schedule –

Grief and Loss Seminar

Elaine Sturtz is available to lead a workshop or seminar on Grief.  The seminar is for those who have lost a loved one, for those who want to give support in times of grief and loss and for anyone who has ever experienced grief or loss.

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Topics include defining grief and loss, dealing with the emotions and feelings of grief, coping skills, dealing with the holidays and anniversaries, loneliness, hope, complication of grief, the language of grief, heaven, last day memories, possessions and more.

Your group, organization, church can schedule a 2 to 4 hour seminar or several class sessions. 

Fee – Honorarium and permission to offer books for purchase. (within Ohio) Travel expenses outside of Ohio

Please contact Elaine for questions or to schedule –

Visitation Training

The visitation training workshop teaches how to make visits in hospitals, nursing homes and with those who are dying.  The training involves the Biblical background of care, defining caregiving, and gifts and qualities of a caregiver.  The logistics and visiting essentials, information needed for visits and some basic do’s and don’ts of visiting.  The workshop also includes an understanding of dementia and some basics in visiting persons with dementia.  An understanding of the dying process and hospice can also be included in the training.

This workshop can be created to meet the needs of your church or organization.  It is ideal for a care or visitation team training.

Please contact Elaine for questions or to schedule –

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life

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This seminar can be created into a retreat, workshop, study or class.  It is designed to help find meaning and purpose in each chapter of one’s life.  The seminar focuses on defining the foundation stones of life – faith, trust, relationships, values, and change.  It provides practical ways to simplify life and live with purpose.  Included are coping skills to live fully and deal with anxiety and worries of life.  It helps participants find hope and a good future.  The seminar is grounded on Scripture and stories from presenter’s life and books.

Please contact Elaine for questions or to schedule –