Returning Spirit
/“Her spirit came back into her, and she stood up at once. Then Jesus ordered that she be given something to eat.” Luke 8:55
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” were the words of a recent Christmas song on the radio. What does Christmas look like? Christmas lights. Christmas trees. Shopping. Decorations. Some may wish for snow and then it will look like Christmas. I recently took a drive to look at Christmas lights in the surrounding neighborhoods. Lots of Christmas lights of all colors, blow up Santas and snowmen, and many Nativity scenes. The lights were shiny and bright, and for a moment it felt magical. I will drive through several Christmas light displays in this next week, and in the moment the magic of the lights will bring joy and a “wow” will be spoken. While all the decorations and lights are beautiful, it does not fill us with the feelings and spirit of Christmas that lasts.
I have heard from many people that they would prefer to skip Christmas this year. It does not feel like Christmas. When I was in Key West recently, the Christmas decorations were beautiful, but the warm weather and sunshine confused me. It did not feel like Christmas time. For some of you, Christmas just heightens your reality of being alone. Some of you, Christmas reminds you of the chaos of your life and family. You see the Hallmark Christmas families and your family is so dysfunctional. You feel alone even when you are surrounded by family. The emptiness and sadness of your soul spills over into the Christmas season. It feels like the spirit of Christmas and your own spirit has disappeared, and you feel like an empty shell trying to find something that will fill you with joy and peace.
Spirit – the non-physical part of a person in which the emotions and character or essence reside. The spirit is the part that never dies. In Luke 8, a twelve-year-old girl has died, and Jesus brings her back to life. Her spirit came back to her body. The spirit had left but did not die with her physical body. I believe when a person dies, their spirit/soul goes to Heaven and the essence of the person remains in the hearts of those they have loved and influenced.
So when it comes to Christmas, the essence of Jesus, his spirit, is within each of us who believe in him. Jesus is not only with us but is in us. His spirit, the Holy Spirit, dwells within each person who has received Christ as their Lord and Savior.
In this journey of life and grief, you may feel like your spirit has died. You may not feel like celebrating Christmas. That is, you may not feel like doing all the traditions – the decorating, baking, parties, trees, lights, gifts, and that is OK. Those are outward expressions of the season, not the essence of Christmas. It may feel like your spirit has no desire to experience what you have done in the past. The essence of who you were feels lost. You are different. Your priorities and what you like or enjoy are different.
The feeling of Christmas is still in you because Jesus is in you, and Christmas is the Spirit of Jesus. He will return your spirit when you focus on him not your loss or the outward expression of the season around you. Take the time to step away from the expectations and lists and allow Jesus to return the essence of you. It may feel different because you are different. Life is different, but Jesus is the same. He still comes each Christmas to those who are open to receiving His Spirit of love and peace.