Making The Connection

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:  The virgin will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”   Isaiah 7:14

On a recent flight home from Key West, the plane was delayed at take off for almost an hour.  I knew I would have an extra hour lay over in Charlotte and had planned a leisurely dinner before the last flight of the trip.  Now dinner was cancelled, and I wondered if I could make the connecting flight.  The plane landed in Charlotte, and we had fifteen minutes to run through the airport to the next concourse and get to the gate of our connecting flight.  I mean literally run just like in the movies.  Out of breath we arrived at the gate and were the last people on the flight before the plane doors closed behind us.  We made the connection, and I thanked God for His blessings!

To be connected.  To have a connection.  It is a bond to be linked together, an interdependence.  While on my trip, I was connected to my friend, my cousins.  I felt connected to God in the beauty of the sunsets, the sunshine, the blue sky, and the crystal-clear water.  I felt a bond with those I traveled with because of our mutual interests and experiences we shared.  I also felt a disconnect with those around me who were experiencing things I did not desire.  I was able to define for me what I liked and wanted in my adventures and what I did not need.

Connection is a way to describe relationships.  We connect with others based on common experiences, values, beliefs, and desires and therefore, form deeper relationships within these connections especially when the connections are emotional and spiritual.  A bond forms and we feel more whole and complete because of these connections.  When loss occurs within these connections, we feel an emptiness and turmoil in life.  We are disconnected with our security, our sense of self, our purpose and meaning, and even with other people.

To be disconnected is not always negative.  We live in a society that is constantly connected to social media, phones, TV, electronics, noise, busyness.  While in Key West, I disconnected most of the day to electronics and just enjoyed the now.  I also disconnected to the social life of the town.  I felt this the most while worshipping on Sunday morning and evening near the bustle of activities on main street.

Sometimes we need to disconnect from the expectation of society and others.  Christmas is a time to disconnect from what society has created the season to be and re-connect to Jesus who is the real reason for the season.  We can become consumed by attempting to create the perfect Hallmark Christmas and to please everyone around us.  We may try to re-create the past experiences and connect to the traditions before loss, but they will be different and empty.  It is disconnecting to those expectations and connecting to this different life.

This Christmas make the connection to Jesus.  Your heart will feel the loss and emptiness of life and you will feel like you just want to skip the season of Christmas.  It is OK not to do all the activities and decorating, but do not skip the coming of Jesus.  God is with you.  God comes to you in this season and desires to connect you to His love and comfort.  You may need to run sometimes to make the connection and other times just to rest in His presence.  Quiet your soul, disconnect from the noise of the world, and rest in the presence of Jesus this Christmas.