The Final Dance of Life - Our Journey with Judy
Rev. Judy Shook
How will you face death? Will you celebrate the journey and dance into heaven? Who will be with you in your final chapter of life? The Final Dance of Life is about a woman, Reverend Judy Shook, and a church family committed to serving God in their care during her disease. ALS grasped Judy’s body at the height of her ministry, rendering her incapable of caring for herself, but empowering her to serve and change the lives of countless people who assisted her through the last fifteen months of her life. There are no saints here, just strong ordinary people who depended on God to lead their efforts in assisting Judy as she suffered the destructive and deadly disease of ALS. Elaine Sturtz reveals the joy, sorrows, the perseverance, the frustration and the courage of the persons facing death and those caring for her. The strength of these dedication people inspired an entire church congregation to fully understand and accept the meaning and hope of eternal life.
““It is a powerful and well written story of grace, faith and supportive community. I appreciate the dedication and hard work on your part to record Judy’s story.””
“God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control.”
2 Timothy 1:7