Blessings From Behind

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.  The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.”  Numbers 6:24-26

I was headed west as I finished my run in the early morning.  The sun was rising, and I looked over my shoulder and was blessed with an amazing sunrise.  I stopped and turned around and took a picture of this awesome picture God had painted to begin the morning.  I was blessed with the beauty of God’s creation.  If I had not looked behind me, I would have missed this blessing.  It made me think of the blessings I may have missed in my life because I did not stop and receive them.

I shared in the thirteenth birthday blessing party of my niece, Juliana.  Her parents began a tradition in their family of having a blessing celebration when each child turns thirteen.  It was a way to bring together those in their child’s life that are mentors and encouragers and friends to share a blessing and encouraging words and scripture.  As I shared with Juliana, I reminded her that she is blessed with a foundation of love and faith from her family.  Her blessing comes from what her parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents instilled in their children and imparted to the next generation.  I gave to Juliana a framed scripture of Joshua 1:9 – “I command you to be strong and brave, do not be afraid because the Lord your God is with you everywhere you go.”  This blessing comes from behind her.  It is God’s word to Joshua, and it was also my husband, Dave’s life scripture.  By giving her the framed scripture, it was as if Dave was supporting and encouraging her too.

I visited my cousin and his wife as he now begins the journey home to Heaven.  As I talked with Ron, his smile emerged.  When I think of my cousin, his smile is my first thought.  His smile is a blessing that is part of my memories of Ron.  As I shared memories of growing up with his children and times together at reunions, his smile is my fondest memory.  It is the blessing that will sustain.  When God calls him home, his smile will remain in my heart.  Every time I think of Ron, I will smile.

This past week, Ray was called home to Heaven.  He and his family were a blessing to me in the first church I was appointed as an Associate Minister.  Though it was years ago, the blessing of his life is part of my foundation of faith.  As I look behind me, I remember his smile, his sweet voice that praised God, his gentle spirit, his love for his wife and family, and his love for Jesus that radiated in his smile. 

Looking behind is not living in the past but allowing the past to be living in the present.  The past is filled with blessings and relationships that influence and guide us to become who we are today.  If it were not for these people and experiences, we would have missed how God was refining and growing us.  Blessings are not always obvious and sometimes when we go through struggles and challenges, we do not see the blessings in them until we look back and see God’s presence through them.

It is not that we wanted the experiences which resulted in loss, pain or heartache, but God brought us through these which is a blessing itself.  I have begun to look for daily blessings and thank God for each gift.  A blessing is God’s favor.  When we focus on seeing God’s presence in daily life, we smile when we become aware that God’s blessings are everywhere just like God’s presence.  It is having the mindset to focus on the good and the blessings that God grants to us even in the storms of life.

I am aware of these blessings because of what came behind me.  The people whom God placed in my life who lived and expressed the love of Jesus to me through their lives, their faith, their smiles, and their encouragement.  I am who I am because of the blessings of those who loved me, supported me, encouraged me, and their love continues to give me strength.  Those who have come behind me continue to live in me today.  Though they are physically not present in this world, their love shines in my heart and life.  I have been blessed.  You have been blessed.

Allow the blessings from behind to shine in your life and bring you peace.


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Live Different Moments

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

Living In The Different

Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper

Where's My Focus?

“The things you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what God wants.  Then all these other things you need will be given to you.”   Matthew 6:33

The paperwork to complete lays on the desk in front of me.  The marketing plan for my books needs to be reviewed and implemented. I have cards and letters to write.  I opened my totes filled with papers and memorabilia that I need to sort and organize.  I have pictures on my phone I want to download and create photo books.  Then I look outside and see the beautiful blue sky but also the pile of wood chips that need to be spread and the stone that needs to be carried to the back steps.  You get the picture because each of you have items on your “To Do List” either written or in your head.  They all vie for your attention.   All of them are good use of your time and energy.  They are practical and necessary.

I look outside again and see the gift of God’s creation and the wind blowing through the tall trees.  My desire is to just enjoy the beauty around me, explore the country, and relax in whatever God puts in front of me.  But my own expectations and need to be productive tends to complicate these thoughts and adventures.  I am torn between the practical responsibilities placed on by the world and my own understanding of life, and my desire to just enjoy life as God intended.  These should not be different.  So, I begin to ask myself, “Who am I trying to please?”  What is my focus?

In my counseling conversations, I find the majority of people focus on the expectations of others.  They are trying to be people pleasers or even society pleasers.  Trying to live into the expectations of others and what is acceptable to society.  For example, when you build a new house, the expectation is that you will plant grass and therefore, mow the lawn and create flower beds and spend hours in your yard.  NO thank you!  Why do we allow other people and society to dictate our lives?  When we do, it literally sucks the joy out of our lives.  We live in fear of not measuring up, not receiving approval from others, which creates high anxiety, worry and stress.

Is this really who you want to be and how you want to live your life?  What do you really want life to be and who do you want to be in this different life?  The hardest part of change and loss is knowing who you are now.  What is your priority now in life?  As I walk into this next chapter of my life, my heart’s desire is to do what God wants even though the world around me keeps clamoring for my allegiance. 

I am changing my focus.  Yes, the paperwork needs to be completed, and my desire is to market my books, but today I want to take an adventure and just enjoy what is in front of me.  Today I want to listen to God and reach out to a family member.  Today I want to visit a friend and share the love of Jesus with her.  Today, I want to enjoy the sunshine, the blue sky and breathe in God’s Spirit that is all around me.  Today, I want to smile within me when I see the hawk or the cardinal and know my loved one is still with me.  Today, I want to live and not just exist in the mundane tasks society says are more important than God.  Remember, God is always with you, and you can still do the tasks but why not focus on God with you in the task?  When you release the people pleasing which takes away your joy, you find the joy of the Lord deep within you.  Joy is from Jesus which is an inner contentment and peace that what is most important is enjoying the life we have in front of us.

Life will have storms and destruction just like the recent hurricane.  We cannot explain the why and the devastation and loss.  Nothing makes sense nor takes away the reality.  But I know God is still God. God is still with you and me.  Jesus feels the pain and hurt and loss we feel.  It is choosing to focus even in all the destruction, God, you are with me.  Nothing takes away God’s gift of peace and joy.  We are the ones who let go of it and allow others to crush it.  Joy and peace have nothing to do with our circumstances.  It is about our focus.  When we keep our eyes on Jesus and not the expectations and views of others and the world, we begin to live, really live.

Enjoy today and what God places in front of you.  Relax in God’s presence and be fully present with God.

So where is your focus today?


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

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Live Different Moments

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

Living In The Different

Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper

Whispering Good

“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”    Romans 8:28

Tears leaked gently from the corner of his eyes and his lips formed his familiar smile.  In that moment, he was fully present with me.  The diseases of the mind and body were not strong enough to withstand the power of God’s spirit in him.  For the moments I was with him, we remembered our history together and how God allowed us to share life in the body of believers.  We focused on the good God brought into our lives though life was a struggle now for him.  I told stories from the storehouse of memories sharing how God worked through him to make a difference in the lives of others.  His life was a reflection of Jesus.

I had been invited into a very holy and sacred space with my special friends as the preparation for leaving this world became more evident and imminent.  They asked for prayer, and I offered to come, and the door was opened to this hallowed journey.  The focus was on the good God worked in his life and the good the memories represented.  The quietness of the moment whispered good while the situation cried in pain, anger and sorrow.

As I talked with his wife, memories of my own journey nine years ago flooded my emotional thoughts.  It was as if I knew what she was thinking and wanted to say but it was too difficult actually saying the words that were in her head.  I verbalized those feelings for her.  She did not want her husband to be in pain and suffer, but she did not want him to die.  She wanted him to be released from the pain, but she had no idea how to live life without him.  She was angry at the diseases and that God would allow them, but she knew her strength came from God who loved her and lived in her heart and in the heart of her husband.  God brought good out of my own experience by allowing me to stand with another beginning this journey.  I had been where she now was, and she needed someone who received her struggle and emotions.  I did not try to fix, but I understood.

God is good.  Good comes from God.  God works for good in all situations.  True statements, but difficult to live when your heart is breaking because a loved one is dying.  We tend to see death as punishment.  Not punishment to the one dying especially when we know they will be in Heaven and be healed of the brokenness this world dumped on their bodies.  The punishment is what we who are left endure.  It is a life without the one we love and with whom we have shared life with all these years.  Why do we have to go alone and give up the dreams and plans for our future?  Why not more years?

Not everything that happens in life is good nor is it explainable.  God takes the brokenness and works good out of it.  Not everything that happens to those who believe is good.  The good is that God loves us while we are in it and going through it.  God is all around us.  We just do not understand why God allows it and does not take us out of it.  We know God can do anything and miracles still happen.  So why does God answer some prayers with miracles and some we do not receive the answer we wanted?  All good questions.  And questions that only God can answer and which God will reveal to us when we arrive in Heaven.

So what about now?  Listen to the whispers of good in your heart.  Remember the love and the moments with your loved one.  That is part of the good God brings to those who love Him.  God wants us to see the good in the people who are on our path of life.  God wants us to focus on the moments that are given and treasure them.  It is not focusing on the loss but on what we gained by enjoying life together now.

God does not want us to deny the pain and hurt that comes from loss.  It is the result of the brokenness and sin of this world.  God does not want us to deny our reality.  But we tend to worry about what is going to happen, that we miss the holy and sacred moments in front of us.  God wants us to experience the good that will sustain us in the brokenness. 

“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”  Romans 8:28 (The Message)


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Live Different Moments -available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

Living In The Different

Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper

Sighing In The Bleachers

“Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.”  Romans 8:26

She told me she was living her life in the bleachers with her grandchildren.  I asked her to explain what she meant.  She said, “I enjoy watching my grandchildren participate in sports and other events, but I do not have to provide everything for the activity nor be at every game or practice.  I choose when it fits into my schedule and priorities.  It is the responsibility of my children to provide for their children.”  Interesting way of stating how she was living, but it has made me ponder this concept.  Am I adding responsibility to my life that is not mine?

I have shared how to step in and step out of situations and people’s drama.  You enjoy time with a person or a family event and live in the moment, and then you step out and are not responsible for other people’s lives or decisions. The idea of living in the bleachers adds the responsibility of being a supportive cheerleader and enjoying the adventure with them.  It is also knowing your role.  You are not their coach, so you are not telling them how to live or play the game.  You encourage them and remind them you are with them and care about who they are and what they are doing.  You are not in control.

So, what happens when they mess up on the field of life and you are in the bleachers?  They do not want your advice, your criticism, your judgment, or your corrective plan.  So you just sigh.  You sit there and know you cannot change the situation even though you want to fix it.  You have no words and no power to change the outcome.  At times, you just listen.  Sometimes you are asked to give your opinion or provide clarity as they work through the current situation.  Most of the time I am learning, I just sigh within me and say, “God, I do not know what to pray but I am sitting here in the bleachers with you.”

Sighing takes the focus off ourselves and our need to solve the situation.  Sighing calms our inner soul and fills us with God’s Spirit.  I want my first response to any situation to be like what God does to my own mess ups and brokenness.  God responds with grace.  I am weak and broken and make wrong decisions and create anxiety and worry because of my choices.  God knows we are weak and do not know what to do.  God’s Spirit – the Holy Spirit – “intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.”  In the past I have read this scripture and thought it meant only in formal prayer.  No, the Spirit intercedes in every aspect of our lives and gives us this gift of sighing.

I sighed in the bleachers throughout this week as I counseled and listened to the hurts and struggles of my clients and family.  I am not living their lives but have become their cheerleader and at times they bring me to the sidelines as their coach.  In my weakness, I do not know what advice to give them, so I sigh and the Spirit speaks through me.  Sometimes I even get amazed what comes out of my mouth and I thank God for giving me His wisdom and words.  Sometimes I sigh knowing I am not going to influence them nor are they wanting to change. 

To sigh is to release to God what is going on within you.  Sometimes we sigh to release emotions and feelings.  Other sighs are an acceptance of the situation.  We sigh when we do not know what to say or do.  We can even sigh when the feeling of wonder and awe totally amaze us and words do not adequately convey the moment.  To sigh in the bleachers is to accept other people for who they are and the decisions they are making.  We may not agree, but we can still love them and be a support to them.  Sighing in the bleachers also acknowledges we are not in control.  God is.  So sigh and wait for God’s leading before you speak.  Sometimes just being present is all we need to do.

Let’s sigh!


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

My Books found on Amazon

Live Different Moments -available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

Living In The Different

Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper

Troubled Belief

Jesus said, “Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.”  John 14:1

The cutest little boy who was probably around three years old, stood on the folding chair next to his mom in the front row of the grandstand as the county bands performed their band shows on opening day of the fair.  Each band director stood on a chair or ladder in front of this little boy directing their individual bands.  Soon this little boy dressed in shorts, a T-shirt and a hat began directing behind the band director.  His little body was moving with the music, and his arms were directing in rhythm with the beat of each song.  For almost an hour, this little boy never lost his enthusiasm or stamina.  It was as if he believed that the band members were following his direction.  He brought joy and smiles to the band show.

This little boy was oblivious to the crowd around him except his mom, and I think he believed he was literally directing the music.  He was not troubled by any noises or people around him.  Even one of the band directors came up to him and gave him a “high five” after the completion of the band show.  The little boy believed he was helping the bands and found joy in the moment.  It was evident by the smile on his face and the excitement in his body as he swayed to the music.

Are you troubled about life around you?  Is your heart troubled?  To be troubled means to be unsettled, distressed, concerned, worried, stressed, or to have anxiety.  “Of course,” you say.  “Isn’t everyone?”  These are words common in our everyday conversations.  I hear them in most of my counseling sessions.  Jesus states in John 14:1 – “Let not your hearts be troubled.”  We scoff and say, “That’s impossible in my life.  Maybe then but not now.  Life is different now.”  Is it really?  Where is your focus in what you believe about life and God’s presence?

Are you troubled in your belief?  That is, Jesus says that we need not be troubled or anxious or even worry when we believe in Him.  So, if I am worried and troubled, does that mean I do not believe?  I don’t think so.  These are normal and natural feelings.  It is not wrong to feel them.  We are grounded in our belief system and usually build our foundation for life on our basic beliefs.  As a Christian, our basic beliefs are grounded in Jesus as our Lord and Savior who died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.  We believe that God is with us through the gift of His Holy Spirit.  Sometimes we have trouble translating our basic beliefs into everyday living.

That is, we tend to separate our spiritual foundation of belief from our everyday life and decision-making in the routines and basics of existing in this world.  God is with us when we pray.  When we are at Church, and when we serve Him, but we tend not to recognize God is with us doing dishes, mowing the lawn, going to school, driving to work, and even at our work place.  That is when we become troubled.  Life is up to us, and it gets overwhelming to figure everything out on our own.  There is too much to do.  Too many problems and struggles.  Too many demands.  We lose our focus and get distracted by the world around us.

Oh, we pray about these situations and ask for God’s guidance, but rarely do we wait for an answer.  We plow ahead as if everything is on our shoulders.  We strive to be independent and confident.  We do not need help.  We can do it on our own, but then the unexpected happens.  Life becomes different and we lose our back up.  We have no back up plan, and that is when we become troubled, anxious, worried and afraid. 

You know you are saved from your sins through Jesus, and you confess them.  You know Jesus died on the cross for your forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.  But in your believing in Jesus, are you trusting that He cares about your daily, routine of life and wants to be your support, comfort, help, guide, and friend on the journey?  Are you troubled that you have worries and anxieties and know you should not?  The only way to release these troubles is to trust Jesus is with you every moment of every day, and Jesus cares about every aspect of your life.  From the big decisions of relationships to the small decision about what to eat and buy.  Your focus needs to be on Jesus just like that little boy kept his focus on the band and listened to the rhythm of the music.  Follow the rhythm of God’s Holy Spirit. 

When your belief system reminds you not to worry and you still do, you become more worried that you are not measuring up to God’s standards.  This is missing the essence of belief in Jesus.  Jesus wants to walk with you each step of life.  God wants you to be aware of His presence in each moment of life, not to judge you, but to love and guide you.  Jesus carries our burdens, our cares, our worries and gives to us His peace, protection, love and grace in exchange.

So, when Jesus says, “Let not your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God, believe also in me,” He is saying to you and me, “I got this.  Trust me.”  Breathe in the Spirit of Jesus every moment of every day.  When you start to feel anxious or troubled, stop and release it to God.  Don’t worry about others around you, allow God to direct the music of your daily life.  Find the joy in the adventure of life.


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Peaceful Easy Feeling

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid.”  John 14:27

I sat on our porch with the morning sunlight peeking through the trees that were swaying in the morning breeze.  The sky was bright blue with a few white fluffy clouds dancing across the sky.  The only sounds were the rustle of the leaves in the wind and in the distance the muffled sound of trucks on the highway about a mile away.  A huge difference from the constant sirens, traffic, and street noise I was used to hearing in the mornings. 

A song came into my head by the Eagles – “Peaceful Easy Feeling.”  While I am not usually a pop song fan nor a fan of the Eagles, this song’s chorus spoke to me this morning.  “Cause I got a peaceful easy feelin’ and I know you won’t let me down. Cause I’m already standin’ on the ground.”  My surroundings were peaceful, and life was not pushing or demanding.  I knew God was all around me as I was standing on the firm foundation of His love and grace.

Since my recent move, I have been slowing down my thoughts and my vision.  Yes, vision.  I am looking at the trees all around me.  The deep blue sky.  The bean field across the street.  Nature.  It is all around me and we are leaving the yard all natural.  No grass will be planted, just wood chips spread all around the house and then letting nature be natural.  This is easy because God’s creation will be allowed to grow however it chooses.  To me, this is the perfect yard.  It is not demanding to be trimmed, mowed, or pruned.  It just goes with the flow and does not demand anything of me but to enjoy its beauty.

This peace is also coming to me in my schedule.  While I am counseling virtually and in person as I accept new clients in the area, I am at peace choosing when to counsel and when to reserve time to enjoy the adventures of life.  This is a peaceful easy feeling that nobody is dictating my schedule or use of space.  Nobody is watching what I am doing.  It is God’s timing and schedule.  I like God’s way of looking at life.

I have found throughout my life and career that the demands of others have taken precedence in my schedule and view of life.  I believe this has been the root of much anxiety and struggle to accomplish what others expect not what God wants.  While God has given you and me gifts and talents and purpose in life, we tend to get lost in society’s overwhelming expectations.  We become burdened with producing to meet other people’s standards.  It becomes grueling and tiresome without joy or peace.

Life loses its easygoing and peaceful feeling.  This world cannot give us peace because it is always demanding more, which increases our anxiety and fear.  Only Jesus gives peace and contentment.  When we focus on the love God has for us and release control to Him, we can begin to experience peace.  This is the first step.  Then we begin living more in the present moment and know God has the future.  We begin focusing just on what is in front of us and on our next step trusting God will lead us.  Next it is not focusing so much on doing but on being with God.  Our whole purpose in life is to glorify God which means to love God naturally, easily without demands or stipulations.  It is enjoying our Loving God and not placing demands and requirements back on God.  For me, peace comes when I focus on Jesus being my friend who walks with me in the joys and storms of life.  Jesus fills me with the peace of His Spirit when I keep my eyes on Him.  It is not about what is happening around me as what is going on within me.  My spirit is at peace in the presence of God’s love and grace.

This peaceful easy feeling is coming more and more to me as I step away from the intensity of the city life, the traffic, and the demands placed on me or perceived by me.  It is when I look up at the swaying trees in the breeze and trust God for my next step.  It is resting.  Truly resting my thoughts and view of life.  It is resting my vision.  What are you looking at each day?  The mess, the screen, the brokenness of life?  It is there and will always be there.  My eyes are looking at the simple creation of God all around me.  I am focusing more on God’s love for me.  Not on preforming but on standing on the foundation of God’s love.  This brings a peaceful easy feeling.


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon - 

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Afraid To Trust

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make straight your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

The deer crossed about twenty feet in front of me as I was running my new path and jumped into the bean field on the other side of the road.  The deer stopped and turned his head to look at me.  Our eyes met for an instant, and I felt such peace like my dearest friend was looking at me and still was with me.  The deer was not sure he could trust me and that I would not hurt him.  He was cautious but still lingered for a moment.  To me, the deer reminded me that wherever I go, God reveals Himself to me in nature.  God reminds me that He is all around me and provides the beauty of nature for my enjoyment.

As I looked at the stack of boxes in my new house, it seemed like a huge undertaking to unpack and create this house into my home.  But because of previous moves and experiences, I trusted that it would be completed in a timely manner, like less than a week.  I was not afraid to take a break and go for a bike ride and enjoy the sunshine or stop for a milkshake or stop for a visit with a neighbor or chat with a family member who dropped by to check on me.  Because I have moved many times, I trusted my ability to finish the task and begin living and enjoying my new space.

It has been completed in less than one week. There are no more boxes to unpack, and all the boxes have been taken to the recycling center.  Everything has its place, and I have no fear or dread of coming home because it is neat, clean, and organized.  I trusted myself because of previous experience and knowing that God blessed me with the ability to focus, organize, and complete projects.

Life has fears and things we dread to do and experience.  We are afraid to trust others because of past hurts.  We fear new experiences and situations because of no previous knowledge.  We fear messing it up or not knowing how to complete it.  We fear not having the energy or perseverance.  We are focused on ourselves and our own strength.  Over my lifetime, I have learned to trust God in all situations. Sometimes, I do not rely immediately on God, but eventually pull myself back to depending on Him.  God is the One who has the strength and cares about all the details of our lives.  Even when we move and need energy to keep going.

I do not need to understand everything, but I do need to trust God in everything.  I know God loves me and wants the best for me.  Sometimes it does not look like where I want to go, but I am learning to pray, “God, you got this.  I trust you.”

This move has led me to reflect on another aspect of being afraid to trust.  We are afraid to truly enjoy life and lean into the present moment.  Oh, we trust God with our salvation.  We trust that God is with us in the tough and painful times of life giving us comfort and support.  We even trust God to give us strength to endure the trials of life.  We still ask why, but we still trust.  But to trust that God wants us to enjoy His blessings and not worry about what may happen next?  We are afraid to release our worries and fears because that is our way of trying to control the situation.

We are afraid to trust God in the good.  It is almost like we do not deserve to enjoy life when we see what is happening in our world.  We may not feel like we have done enough to deserve the joy.  We forget that God gave us life to live abundantly and fully in His presence.  It is trusting that God loves us so much that He gives blessings and joys.  Not all of life is hard and painful.  There is good when we look for it and stay focused on the moments. 

When we have experienced loss, we may think we cannot laugh and enjoy the good moments because we are grieving and miss our loved one.  Remember joy and sorrow mingle together.  Our loved ones are enjoying Heaven and being in the Presence of Jesus.  Trust God to give you good and enjoy those moments.  Find joy today.  Laugh today. 

Trust that God loves you so much that God gives you blessings and joy, too!


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Still Needed Forward

“Looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on…through Christ Jesus, who is calling us.” Philippians 3:13-14 (LB)

I crossed the county line and took a deep breath and sighed.  I felt lighter as I released the past thirty years of ministry.  I was driving into a new season of life.  I prayed, “Thank you, God, for using me to share Jesus and to walk the journey of life for a period of time with those you placed in front of me.”

Seasons of life.  We all experience them.  Some are short.  Some are adventurous.  Some are tragic.  Some are learning times.  Some seem never to end.  Through all the seasons, God walks with us and many times carries us through them.  I have been in a variety of ministries for the past thirty-five years but lived in the same area of the city.  I have officiated at baptisms, weddings, funerals, made thousands of visits, counseled hundreds of people, and enjoyed meals with friends and extended family and people who became family.  Life has been good, challenging, sad, amazing, overwhelming, active, and everything in between.

God used me as His servant.  I had a purpose and followed God’s plan.  Life did not always turn out as I had hoped or planned.  But I knew God was still with me. No matter what season of life we are in or going through, God is with us and still uses us and needs us for His Kingdom work.  Change is difficult but that is how God created us – to change with the seasons.

I am slowing down the pace of my life while still remaining active in the ministry God calls me.  I am tired of traffic, the city life, and the busyness that is praised by society.  I want to still serve God and enjoy God’s creation and the people around me. We never retire from God or being used by God.

Life can become overwhelming and busy without meaning and purpose. You follow what others expect and what society deems as important while missing out on the enjoyment and blessings God has for us.  Life will always involve hard stuff and seasons of hurt, pain, and loss.  Healing and hope usually comes in the quiet and peaceful moments that the fast pace of life denies us.  There is still good in this world that comes gently if we slow down and breath in the presence of God’s Holy Spirit.

I just moved into a small area of town and live on a cul-de-sac.  There are currently eight houses on my street.  I have already met four of my neighbors on the street and the two that live directly behind me.  Everyone has been friendly.  We do not have any appliances yet, so I am using a cooler as my refrigerator.  One neighbor whom I have known for twenty-four hours is giving me ice each day and letting me keep food in her garage freezer.  We just met but already they are helping us.  We are sharing God’s love and compassion with each other.

I am grateful God has called me to step closer to my biological family and enjoy this season of life with them.  I tried this move a few years ago, but I was not ready to let go and release the busy lifestyle of the city and the memories associated with it.  Now I am ready for the quiet and peaceful life while still serving God.  I will continue my counseling ministry but mainly virtually.  I will enjoy moments with nieces and nephews and siblings and explore parts of the state I have not experienced.

No matter the season of life, you and I are still needed and have a daily purpose in life.  It may look different than the last season which is good.  It was meant to be different.  It is releasing control to God and letting God lead.  God wants you and me to enjoy the beauty of nature He created and slow down.  Get off the merry-go-round of expectations of society and others and find the peace that only God can give.  As I was writing these words, I looked out the window and eight squirrels were racing around the trees in my backyard.  What a joy to watch!

I am looking forward to walking with Jesus in this season of life.  I look forward to being with those God places on my path.  I cherish the memories that will always be a within me and that are a permanent part of my foundation.

I hope you look forward.  Be thankful and grateful for what God has brought you through and how God has worked through you.  God still needs you in this current season of life.  Trust Him.  Slow down and enjoy the life around you.


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon


Living In Joy Not On Repeat

“You will teach me how to live a holy life.  Being with you will fill me with joy, at your right hand I will find pleasure forever.”  Psalm 16:11

Each morning, I wash a load of clothes that include my running gear.  I like to wear clean and fresh clothes when I run.  I do not like to leave the smelly and sweaty running gear in my house.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.  We each have a routine in some form each day.  It may be a morning schedule that keeps you on task especially as the new school year begins.  It may be a work routine or a workout regimen.  Sometimes even our relationship with God becomes a routine – worship, prayer, and devotions.  Rinse and Repeat.

Routines are good and helpful because they keep us focused and on schedule.  They assist in making sure everything necessary gets completed.  But sometimes they become joyless, monotonous, and lead to just going through the motions of life.  We lose the joy of life and just wash, rinse and repeat.  We lose sight of the purpose of life and get lost in the dailyness of what the world tells us is important.  Life seems to be moving and just taking us along without much thought or focus on our part.  We get lost in the doing – the chores, the tasks, keeping up with the basics and attending the events that are required.  We want to be aware and knowledgeable of what is happening around us.  Though this can lead to becoming overwhelmed and feeling that we are not doing enough.  Some days may feel like you are going in circles or you are in the washer – wash, rinse, repeat.

So, how do we live into the joy of life and not on the merry-go-round of repetition without meaning?  I believe Psalm 16:11 is a foundational guide for this change and journey.  We learn through God’s Word that we are to live a holy life.  Holy means set apart.  To be set apart is to not be like everyone or everything around us.  When we get lost in society, the media, the behaviors and addictions of this world, we lose focus.  Anxiety and fear take control, and we are always worrying and being afraid. 

God sets us apart and teaches you and me, He is in control.  The weight of life is not on our shoulders.  God will carry our burdens if we will release them to God and surrender daily to Him.  It is not our responsibility to fix every person.  Really, it is not your responsibility! God will give you strength for each day.  To rely on God is to be in relationship with the One who loves us the most and is always listening and always present.

God promises to fill you and me with joy once we are set apart and focused on His presence and His power within us.  Notice that the joy is not what we create but what God gives us and fills us.  So, what is this joy?  It does not come from the world and outward circumstances.  It comes from within us.  Joy is an inner contentment that has nothing to do with our situation and what is happening around us.  It is an inner peace that does not let worry, fear, and anxiety be in control or even have a voice.  Living in joy is living in the presence of God.  It is when we find pleasure which is fulfillment, contentment, and daily purpose in being with God. 

Joy is being aware of God with you, within you, and all around you.  It is when you breathe in the fresh air of God’s Spirit and release the worries and pressures this world creates within us. 

I find joy when God becomes my priority, and I look at the things of this world and relationships through the lens of God’s love and grace.  I stop just surviving and completing tasks, to actually living life and experiencing God’s presence and peace in everything.  It sure changes my perspective and releases me from worry and fear.  God’s joy is my strength.

Joy awaits you.  An inner peace and contentment in which you worry less and trust God more.  A joy that is deep within you no matter what is going on around you because your focus is on God’s love, grace, and peace, not on the worry, fear and anxiety that the world is creating all around you.  Rinse off the negativity and worry, and live in the cleansing joy of God’s Spirit.


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Trust The Plan

“I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord.  “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

The hawk flew low across the parking lot in front of me and landed on a branch in a tree.  It had missed whatever animal it had swooped down to grab.  Earlier in the week, I watched the hawk sit on the wire high above the lot and just survey its territory.  A hawk always makes me smile now because it is a reminder of my husband, Dave who had a fascination with hawks.  It is also God’s way of sending me a message that his spirit is with me.  The hawk reminds me of my foundation of love that will always be with me everywhere I go.

Usually, I see a hawk just sitting on a fence or wire, but lately I have been seeing more hawks soaring through the air.  I interpret this as God’s way of speaking to me that it is time to keep moving forward.  It is time to be active and move, and God is telling me that He will be with me.

I am currently packing my possessions and planning for my next move.  Yes, I am moving to a new location.  In a few days I will be leaving an area that has represented my ministry for the past thirty plus years.  I have been blessed with many opportunities to share God’s love and grace with others.  It has been a privilege to walk with people in their joys, sorrows, and everyday life.  I give thanks to God for using me to share the love and compassion of Jesus with so many people.  I will continue to be in ministry the rest of my life but in different ways.  My counseling ministry will continue but mainly virtually.

As I prepared to pack, I made a plan where to start, what possessions to pack first and what needed to be boxed last and unpacked first.  I also have been planning where the furniture and items I own will be placed in my new space.  Yes, I make plans, but I know that no amount of planning and ideas will replace the actual seeing the possessions in the new space and finding their permanent location through trial and error.

Some of us are planners.  We have planner calendars and set goals and make lists of things to accomplish within a certain time frame.  Plans and goals are necessary to help us function in daily life and keep us focused.  But what happens when plans do not turn out like we expected?  How do we handle disappointments, unexpected situations, and complications?  You cannot foresee every possible issue in a plan.  Sometimes it feels like God has plans to hurt us and cause us pain.  Life is unfair, but I do not believe God plans to harm or hurt us.  Choices and consequences of other people’s choices cause hurt and pain and the brokenness of this sinful world.

Through my process of letting go of this familiar location of my life, I have come to accept that there are seasons of life and change is good.  We may have a plan or vision for our future, and sometimes in our planning though, we limit God’s blessings that He has for us.  We are looking at our own plans with our limited strength, vision, ability, and resources, and do not count on God’s power and strength and unlimited resources.  Everything is God’s.

In Jeremiah 29:11, God speaks to us saying, “I will give you hope and a good future.”  Do you believe this promise?  You may have lost hope when life changed, or your hope died with your loved one or another type of loss.  Therefore, it is difficult to see good in the future.  You had plans and now they will never happen.  It is true that they will not occur as you had planned.  Life will be different, and God will work in this different to bring blessings into your life.

It is letting go of our finite, tunnel vision plans and trusting God’s infinite and unlimited plans.  God will only reveal to us one step at a time.  It may not even make sense to you, but it is still trusting God.  Oh, we can play it safe and stay where we are and just exist in the familiar life.  But I believe God has a bigger plan to bless us with abundant life.  And it has nothing to do with wealth, possessions, power, or position.  God wants us to live life to the fullest.  To receive His peace that will bring contentment no matter what is around us.  A good future is God’s promise.  It is God’s promises to be with us each moment.  Life is good because God is good.  A good future and hope is trusting God and living in the present with God.

So, now I make a plan everyday to live more fully into life.  I plan to be aware of God’s presence with me each moment.  To trust God with my future and not worry about finances, possessions, what the future will look like, and even how everything will get from one house to the next.  I am just taking one step at a time and living in the hope of Jesus.

God wants to give you hope and a good future.  Trust the plan.


You will find all my past blogs on my website –


Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Don't Be Afraid

“So don’t worry, because I am with you.  Don’t be afraid, because I am your God.  I will make you strong and will help you; I will support you with my right hand that saves you.”  Isaiah 41:10

I was just finishing my last lap on my morning run, and I heard a noise of breaking branches in the wooded area beside the street where I was running.  Out jumped a fawn who almost stepped on my foot!  I jumped and screamed, and the small deer darted across the street into another wooded area.  We scared each other, and after settling my heart down, I smiled and thanked God for the gift of His creation and the closeness of the deer.  But it took awhile to release the adrenaline the scare created in me.  The little deer was so afraid it just ran.

Two mornings later, the doe – I assume the momma of the fawn – was about twenty feet in front of me in the parking lot where I ran.  She was just strolling across the lot.  I spoke to her, “Good morning, buddy.”  She turned and looked at me and just slowly walked into the grass and tree area around the lot.  She was not afraid of me nor was I afraid of her.  I think she was used to seeing me.

It was two encounters with deer and two different reactions.  One was unexpected which scared both of us, and the other I had preparation.  We had seen each other at a distance, and we have had previous encounters on my morning runs.  I felt safe.  It was just like nature knew me and I knew nature, and all was fine. 

I believe God can speak through His creation and give to us insights for our lives in relation to fear.  When something unexpected happens, we react usually with some type of fear.  Our bodies may jump or freeze from being startled by the fear.  The fright may cause us to become numb or tense.  We may fear being harmed physically or hurt; therefore, we go into a protective mode.  We may react with a fight mentality and jump in trying to figure out what is going on.  Sometimes, we just run away as fast as we can and ignore that anything happened.  This is what the fawn did.  This behavior can influence future situations that cause the same emotional feeling.  Fear can control us and prevent us from living and enjoying life in the present.  Fears can be healthy to make us aware of dangerous situations, too.

When we encounter something different in life like a deer on our path, we can slow down our thoughts and recognize that fear does not need to be in control.  Yes, this world is filled with situations that create fear.  It is a scary place.  Our thoughts can also create stories that heighten the fear factor.  Worry feeds the fear.  Not all situations that at first heighten our fear reaction are really fearful.

Unexpected situations will happen in life – like a deer running in front of you.  Who are you depending on to hold you up through it and give you strength and help you through the unexpected?  Fear and worry will not give you any help or strength.  They just make it more intense.  God promises to give us strength and help us and support us with His right hand.  His right hand is His constant presence.  But before God does anything, God speaks to us, “Don’t be afraid.”  God wants us to know He already has us and the situation, so don’t worry.  That may seem impossible for you to believe or experience since you may worry about everything.  Worry and being afraid and anxious seems as natural to you as breathing.

I am learning that worry and anxiety come when I take my focus off God’s Presence and rely on my own strength.  I am not allowing God to help me and be my person and give me constant strength.  I am allowing fear and worry to be in control, not God. Yes, this world is filled with scary and harmful things, but sometimes we react and internalize things that are just a natural part of life – like an innocent fawn running across your path.

When I get afraid and worry, I remember Jesus’ words to His Disciples – “Don’t be afraid.”  Throughout scripture, this is God’s word or the word of his messengers to holy encounters, “Do not be afraid.”  This is a reminder to me and hopefully to you, God knows we will be afraid and anxious, and God comes to us in the midst of the worry and fear.  God wants us to trust Him and put our focus not on the fear but upon Him.  It is not living in the fear but living in the presence of God.  God’s got you!

Do not be afraid!


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon


Love You Back

“Nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:39

When I was appointed to my first church as the Associate Minister, I was single and only twenty-three years old.  A wonderful couple, Dwight and Dawn, welcomed me into their family, and I “adopted” them as my church parents while serving the Church.  The relationship has lasted all these years.  Dawn took the journey to Heaven last year, and I have continued to share monthly meals with Dwight.  When we say goodbye, we hug each other.  I always say, “I love you,” and Dwight always responds, “Love you back.”  The love is mutual.  It has always been and will always be.

 When life changes, and the one we love is gone, we miss being loved back.  We miss our person, and the one we have chosen to love unconditionally and forever.  We still love them, but we cannot feel them loving us back.  That is a true description of loneliness.  It is having all the love inside us, but nobody to give it to fully.  We desire to be loved back and share a mutual sacrificial love.

 In our friendships and family relationships, we form a connection because of being born into the family unit or because we have chosen to share life together.  I have a cousin who is also my dear friend and every time we see each other we hug tightly and say, “I love you.”  It is a friendship that gives back the same love that is given.

 But not every relationship has an equal sharing of love nor is it designed to have it.  Though, there needs to be an equal acceptance and respect for each other as human beings, as children of God, and who you are in this season or stage of life.  This gives dignity and self-respect which are aspects of love. 

 So, what happens when people in your life do not give you back the love you give to them?  Do you resent them, feel hurt, unloved, unwanted, angry or a host of other feelings and emotions?  Do you feel not enough and try to please them to get their love and approval?  You may feel manipulated and used because of your compassionate and caring heart that you are sharing with them.  You may be a person that craves and needs the validation of others to feel loved and have worth.  Your person who gave it to you may now be in Heaven or may be focused on someone else when you need them.  This may create within you a feeling of emptiness and jealousy.  You want to be loved back.

 Relationships have so many different feelings and emotions.  God created us to be in relationship with others.  God created humanity to love Him and to love one another.  God is love, and God loves the world.  God gives to us His love, grace, and forgiveness.  God desire for us to accept His love and grace and to love Him back.  Oh, we cannot out love God because God is love.  There is no place we can go that God is not there and nothing separates us from God’s love.

 God always loves you no matter how you feel about yourself.  No matter what you have done.  No matter how lonely and lost you may feel.  God wants us to recognize He is always with us even in the darkest times of life.  Even when we feel unlovable.  God loves us.  When we are aware of God’s presence and invite Him into the moments of our lives, we are loving God back.

 God will always love us back.  His grace and mercy is His love.  In the tragedies and bad stuff of life, we do not understand the “why” of the situation.  We ask, “Why, God, did you allow this to happen?”  We still need to love God through it and ask for God’s help through the situation.  God loves us back by walking with us through the sorrows and sadness of life giving us His peace and comfort.

 God is loving you even when life is hard and painful.  God does not take us out of the situation, but His love sustains us in it.  God loves you.  Love God back by being aware of His presence in every aspect of your life.  Love you back!




You will find all my past blogs on my website –




Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.



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Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books



My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

I'll Be There

“I command you to be strong and brave.  Don’t be afraid because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go.”   Joshua 1:9

“So where are you going now?” He asked me when I told him I was moving again.  “You are always going somewhere.”  I enjoy adventures, taking trips, going on a vacation from the daily routine, and trying new experiences.  It is being active.  I do not like the word busy because of its negative aspects of being overwhelmed and too busy to enjoy life to the fullest.  I have also been active in moving my place of residence many times.  This will be my seventh address change in the past ten years.  Just pencil it in your address book, please.

Packing and moving is a great way to also downsize, donate, and share your earthly possessions now.  When I pick up each item, I ask myself, “Do I really need or like this?”  “Is it worth packing?”  This is truly a benefit of moving.  It is amazing how much unnecessary stuff we own.  I just take a picture of unneeded items and send the picture to my family’s Facebook page.  Usually someone needs or wants the item.  So everywhere I go, I take less stuff and create more room for memories and adventures.

A change of address brings feelings of excitement for the adventures ahead, but it also brings some anxious feelings of change and creating a new life and new routine.  Life will be different.  Remember, different is not bad, it is just different.  It is focusing on one moment at a time and not looking too far into the future.

The constant in each move is that everywhere I go, God goes with me.  God goes before me to prepare the way.  God walks with me in the changes.  And God sustains me in my life and new experiences.  I trust that God goes with me wherever I go because that is part of my foundational belief in God.  God is everywhere and God is present with me.

So if God goes with me everywhere I go physically, does God go with me in my head, my emotions, and all my relationships?  God is with me even when I do not recognize God’s presence.  You and I can go down some dark holes in our minds causing fear, anxiety, loneliness, and a deep sadness.  I believe Jesus is there with us to pull us out of these holes of despair, hurt, and pain.  There is no place we can go in our pain and hurt of life that Jesus is not beside us with His love and compassion.  All we need to do is look up and cry out, “Help me, Jesus.”

I run each morning and have a running app on my phone to keep track of my mileage and pace.  It has a voice that tells me every five minutes my distance and time and then gives me a statement of encouragement.  One statement is “Wherever you go, I go.”  I believe that is what God says to you and me.  God promises to always be with us physically in all the places we live and go because God’s Spirit dwells within us, and God is everywhere in His creation.  God is also with us in every thought and feeling.  There is no fear or worry that God is not with us, and God wants to carry that burden for us.  God is with us no matter where we travel in this world and where we travel in our minds and hearts.  He never leaves us or forsakes us.  God always knows what we need even before we ask. God is the one we confide in and vent to who never shares our secrets.  God is the only one who can heal our brokenness and understand our tears.  So no matter where I go, God is with me.

Josh Turner has a song titled, “I’ll Be There.”  Part of the lyrics states –

I’ll be a heart mender, a prayer sender

A hoper and believer when it’s all up in the air

A strong and steady shoulder, I’ll be a secret holder

Anytime, anything, anywhere

I’ll be there. 

This is God’s promise to each one of us.  On our journey whether physically or emotionally, God will be there.  Take the step to trust God.  God will be there for you.


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon


Remembering The Dance

“Suffering produces perseverance, and perseverance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us.”  Romans 5:3-4

Yes, they are always there, but it is living in hope.  It is living forward.  Judy lived in hope – the hope of her faith in Jesus is what sustained her in the disease.  The hope of Heaven kept her eyes focused on the presence of Jesus.  We do not dance alone in life.  Jesus gives us His Spirit – the Holy Spirit to guide us in the dance of life.  The Holy Spirit leads us, picks us up when we fall, and always encourages us to keep going.  The Holy Spirit gives us the rhythm for life.

I felt the need to visit the cemetery where Pastor Judy Shook is buried.  When I found the grave, a flood of memories filled my mind, and my heart felt a hug from heaven.  It had been 20 years since I stood beside her grave and committed her body to its final resting place.  The days had been many, but the feelings and connection were fresh and strong.

I knew Judy was singing and dancing in Heaven which filled me with joy.  But the journey to Heaven had been difficult for her.  Judy and I were on staff together at a large church.  I was the youth minister, and Judy was the minister of pastoral care.  We had a good working relationship.  Then Judy began having health issues with her walking and then her speech.  She was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).  Her only family was an elderly mother and a brother in Texas.  She had nobody to walk with her in this terminal journey.  God called me to walk beside her for the last fifteen months of her life and organize her care.  I did not do it alone.  I had an amazing group of true servants from the church who became the Body of Christ in action.  I shared this journey in my book – The Final Dance of Life – Our Journey With Judy.

The dance image came from Lee Ann Womack’s song, I Hope You Dance. Judy was given a CD of this song on her last birthday on earth, and it was the hope she held onto through the next months of her journey home.  Judy learned to “dance” in her disease.  That is, she learned to live in joyful expectation, not just exist in life.  She found ways to not focus on the disease, because she was more than the disease.  She enjoyed the moments with whomever was present.  Her eyes danced when her body stopped moving, and her joyful grin filled the room with hope.

Judy taught me and all who came in contact with her how to enjoy the dance of life.  To dance means to be active and not just exist in life.  To dance is to live life to the fullest and not just stand on the sidelines and stay in your fears.  It is not letting the limitations we have stop us from living.  It is being active in whatever way possible.  To dance is to find the good and positive aspects of life.  It is not allowing the negatives, the hurts, and the brokenness of life to be in control.

As I reflect on my time with Judy and what I learned from her through those fifteen months, I first give thanks to God for the privilege of serving.  I am so grateful to God for calling me and humbled to have been a part of this sacred time.  Through Judy, I experienced the intensity and the holiness of the journey of dying and grief.  She taught me patience and how to listen and not try to fix but just be present.  My journey with Judy was the foundation for my next calling and ministry in life – a Hospice chaplain and a Christian Counselor.

I believe God allows the paths of our lives to intersect with others because we need them to teach us, be our guide or signpost to direct us, or help us to develop our character.  We need each experience and person to help us down the path of life and to live life to its fullest.  That is, to truly dance.

I believe God nudged me to visit Judy’s final earthly resting place to remind me of my foundation and to challenge me in this next season of life to dance.  Live life to the fullest even in the changes of life.  Be grateful for the experiences and allow them to be your foundation into the next season of life.

I hope you dance!


You will find all my past blogs on my website –

Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon


Trusting In Hope

“Let us hold firmly to the hope that we have confessed, because we can trust God to do what he promised.”  Hebrews 10:23

It is amazing what God can teach you if you listen and focus on what is around you.  I was floating on a raft in a pool watching the clouds without a worry or thought in my head except for the shape and movement of the clouds.  Now that is a rarity for me and probably for each of you.  I was actually purposefully resting and enjoying time away from my normal routine.  When I stepped out of the pool and sat on the ledge with my feet in the water, Harper, my cousin’s Golden Retriever, immediately nestled beside me to be touched and have her belly rubbed.  All she wanted was to be loved.  She was hopeful and expectant and if you stopped, she nudged you to continue.

Oh, the simple pleasures of life – sunshine, water, clouds, touch, and the love of a dog. There was no outside pressure or responsibility.  God always teaches us through His creation whether it is in nature or in his animals.  Nature rests.  Dogs rest.  Dogs know how to relax and not let anything bother sleep time.  Nature rests in the seasons.  There are seasons of growth and the fruit of the growth.  There are seasons of rest and renewal.  We go through all the seasons in our aging process and in the changes of life, relationships, career, and spiritual growth.

I have found that time away from our routine of daily life is important to process and reflect on where we are currently in life and where God is leading us.  It is time to reflect on what we value and place as important in life.  Sometimes life just happens, and we keep going and doing without much thought.  We go through the motions and believe we are doing what is required and needed.  Life can become very routine, and we lose focus and purpose.  We do things because we think it is what God wants us to do and because we have always done it.

When life changes, we grieve the change whether from death, circumstances, or any type of loss.  Then we begin to look at the life we now have and wonder what life will be now.  We have hope that life moves forward.  We believe God is with us.  We trust God.  But do we trust God enough to rest and enjoy life?  That is right, to rest and enjoy life.  We trust God in the trials of life to be with us.  We trust God to be our Savior, Lord, and Heavenly Father.  But do we trust God enough to enjoy the life God has given to you and me?

As I rested by the pool, God reminded me that He did not need my help to run the world, to make sure the clouds moved in the correct direction, to check on the sun to make sure it would set on time, and not even help to keep me afloat on the water.  God could run the world and take care of his children while I rested.  I was not responsible for anyone else’s life or creation.  I was to enjoy the moment and focus on His love and care over me as His child.  My cousin’s dog, Harper, reminded me of the simple pleasures of life is what God wants me to enjoy and not worry about whether God can take care of everything.

Harper trusts my cousin, her owner, to always provide food, shelter, protection, and love.  Harper never worries about it.  So why do we worry so much that we do not rest in God’s protection and love?  Worry and anxiety really states that the hope that I confessed – God will always love me – is no longer true and I have to worry about the future.  Worry and hope do not exist together.

Trust means that I know God is in control and I can rest.  It does not mean I do nothing.  It means I wait on God to lead.  I rest in God’s love and presence.  I rest in His creation and nature.  I rest from worry and anxiety.  I rest in the hope that God will guide me in this new season of life.  I rest in not taking my old routine into the new season.  I trust God to take me one step at a time.

Rest in the trust and hope of Jesus.


Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Life - Good and Hard

“When life is good, enjoy it.  But when life is hard, remember: God gives good times and hard times, and no one knows what tomorrow will bring.”    Ecclesiastes 7:14

I asked, “How’s life?”  She responded, “Today it is pretty good.  Yesterday, not so good.”  Another person when asked the same question stated, “I’m good, really.”  Despite all she shared that was happening in her life around her, she was good.  As I talked with another lady, she told me that life has always been hard, but she has survived.  Her faith in God was strong, but she was now asking the “why?” question.  She had survived cancer, but now it came back for the second time.  “Why?”

Good is a relative term.  Each person has a standard to measure good. When I checked the dictionary for the definition of good, I discovered about a hundred synonyms for good.  Some made me smile – “hunky-dory.”  Some were based on slang – “wicked.”  Some were country origin – “up to scratch.”  Good is a quality or level of measure.  How do you measure good?  Is it when everything is going the way you want it?    Is it when all your family and friends are all right and healthy and happy?

Then there is the measure of hard when related to life.  It means life is difficult with problems that seem overwhelming, frustrating, and unpleasant to bear.  Hard life is also based on one’s perspective in relation to the experience of others.  We tend to compare our circumstances to others and make a qualitative assessment of who has the harder life and who has had it easier, or everything seems to go their way.

Life is good.  Life is hard.  No denying this about life.  Our perspective and foundation influence these descriptions.  We may say, “God is good.” We say this when things turn out well and our prayers are answered the way we asked.  God is with us in the good and in the hard days.  Nothing changes God’s presence; it is just we question the hard times wondering why God allows it.

So, when life is good, do you really enjoy it to the fullest?  It may be good days or just good moments as you define it.  Are you fully present and taking in the good and giving thanks for the blessings of the good life?  Or are you filled with anxiety and worry about how long will the good last and when will something bad happen?  If this is you, then you are never completely enjoying the blessings of life God is providing for you.  God is always in your life even when God does not take away the problem or bring healing.  God wants you to enjoy His gift of the present moment.

When life is hard, and God seems so far away.  God is still present, but the difficulties of life cloud our view and our feelings are focused on the pain and hurt.  We go through battles, struggles, and hard times.  This is a natural part of life in a broken world.  It is the way we handle these times that builds our dependency on God.  It is not a punishment though it is difficult to see beyond the struggle.  God is still listening.  God still loves you.  You are not alone.  It is remembering God’s faithfulness in the past and His faithfulness to others who are part of your faith foundation.

I, too, can create my own hard times by my choices and my anxiety and worry about what could happen.  Life is tough enough without creating in your head all the possibilities of what could go wrong.  I start to question if I am making the right decision.  Is this what God wants me to do?  I am learning that God gives us freedom in choices.  Some of our choices make the path more difficult so we learn some tough lessons that strengthen us and give us wisdom in future decision making.

Life is good.  Look for the good and rejoice in it.  Glorify God in the good.  Life is hard.  Embrace the hard. Take it one moment at a time. Know that you are never alone in it.  Lean into Jesus.  Take Jesus’ hand and say, “Walk with me through this next moment.”  Break down the hard in moments.  You cannot carry the load by yourself.  Ask for help and support.  Rely on God in the good and in the hard.

Life is meant to be lived in the now not the tomorrows.  Live in the good and the hard times.  God never changes and is with you in both of them.


Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Consecrate The Memories

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.  From whence does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”  Psalm 121:1-2

I lifted my eyes to the hills of Camp Otterbein, and I was flooded with memories of this sacred place.  I first viewed these hills when I was in college and worked two summers on staff.  I slept in a tent one summer as support and kitchen staff, and the next summer I was an outpost counselor.  Camp Otterbein was the beginning of my ministry.  I led The Walk to Emmaus at the camp.  I led work camps, church camps and youth retreats and lived in the cabins.  The Camp was part of the foundation of my ministry along with several other United Methodist camps in Ohio.

I made my public confession to follow Jesus at Camp Wesley and confirmed my call into ministry at Camp St. Mary’s.  Church camp was a vital part of my Christian faith journey.  I attended Church camp as a camper for seven years.  Even my first college roommate was a friend I had met at Church camp.  The camps were sacred places in my Christian walk.

On this day though, I was present to celebrate the life of Camp Otterbein and also grieve the ending of its life as a United Methodist camp.  I was attending a funeral – the death of a camp.  The service was called a “Deconsecration Service.”  To consecrate is to make something sacred, to bless, make holy and set apart.  It is to dedicate to God.  To deconsecrate is to transfer from sacred to secular use.  The camp had been sold to a private investor and would no longer function as a Church camp.

I walked that day before the service up the hill to Vesper Hill.  It is an outdoor worship place overlooking the hills.  I sat on one of the wooden benches worn by use and age and looked up at the large homemade wooden cross that had graced this worship space for years.  I looked out into the hills, the trees, and looked up to take in the beautiful blue sky and white fluffy clouds.  I thought of all the times I had sat here with youth and adults and prayed, shared God’s Word, rested from the climb and sat in silence taking in God’s majestic beauty.  I thought of all those who came before me and committed their lives to Jesus on this hill.  The land is sacred and no matter who owns it, the land with remain sacred because the land is God’s creation.

As I walked down the hill and was headed to the lake one last time, I heard a voice call my name.  Out of the woods emerged Tom and his wife, Karen.  Tom was the Outpost Director when I worked as an outpost counselor.  It had been years since our paths had crossed, but this funeral brought us back together in this holy place.  As we hugged, I remembered the love and fellowship we shared together.  I had lived at camp on this holy ground.  It was part of who I am and who Tom and Karen are.  As we talked, the memories just flooded our hearts.

At the service there were others I knew from my camping days.  Stories were shared.  The service was a celebration of the life of the camp.  The history was shared, memories were expressed, songs were sung, and for a sacred moment we were all united in the love of God.  God had used this holy land to bring so many youth and adults closer to Him.  In those moments we all remembered and gave thanks.

Nobody can take away the memories that I have and all those who loved Camp Otterbein have.  The memories and how God used those moments are what are sacred and set apart as holy.  The memories are associated with an actual place, but you take those moments with you no matter where you go.  They are always within you, and the emotions and feelings connected to them are part of one’s foundation.

In the loss of a loved one, the person is no longer physically present, but the love and memories are always with you.  Nobody takes them away.  They are part of your foundation and your sacred place in your heart.  We can pull out those memories anytime we desire.

While I am sad that Camp Otterbein will no longer be a Church camp, and future young people will not have the opportunity to experience life changing moments on this land, the land is forever sacred because it is God’s land and because of all that happened on those grounds.  The sacredness remains in the hearts of all the campers and staff.  The sacredness of your loved one remains in your heart too.

You are standing on Holy Ground -

“We are standing on holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around.  Let us praise Jesus now.  We are standing in His presence on holy ground.”


Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon

Directionally Challenged

“If you go the wrong way – to the left or to the right – you will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the right way.  You should go this way.”  Isaiah 30:21

A client called a few minutes before her appointment and said she was lost. Her GPS took her somewhere other than my office.  She had been to my office numerous times but always used GPS to get there.  Once I realized where she was, I could direct her to my office.  She was directionally challenged – not knowing which way was north or south.  She knew left or right and was able to turn left and find my street.

We all go the wrong way at times when we drive.  GPS does not always take us where we want to go.  It seems to have a mind of its own.  I have turned too soon when following GPS and had to back up or turn around and continue down the street to my destination.  I have also driven past where I needed to turn and had to turn around and go back to the correct street.

We get lost in life too, wondering what path to take when life changes.  A path may be the right way for awhile but then it feels empty and lonely, and we question if it is time for a change.  It is familiar, but you still feel lost and wonder if you should keep doing what you have always done.  We need to ask ourselves some questions about where we are on this path of life and be honest with ourselves.  Is it fulfilling?  Am I here just because it is familiar?  Has it run its course?  Am I afraid of taking a risk and changing directions?  Am I staying because of others and their expectations?  And many more questions but few answers.

I am in the midst of change – selling one place, buying another, and moving to a different location.  It is time again for an address change notification.  It is easier at times to stay in the familiar, but one risks just existing instead of living.  It becomes just going through the motions of life.  You know you can do it, but do you want to continue doing it?  One risks not experiencing the adventures and blessings on the new path.  In each season of life – whether caused by aging, health, loss, or other circumstances, we need to change directions and make decisions which way to go.  How do you know which way to choose?

Are you directionally challenged not just in the compass of north and south, but with your life?  Who are you asking for directions?  Hopefully it is not someone who has never experienced what you have or traveled your direction.  It is not following others because they think they know what is best for you. You need to discern your own path and be guided by the right signposts.

The direction of our lives is determined by what is in our hearts.  Who has your heart?  Society sets career goals with a focus on possessions, wealth, status, security and prestige.  The direction of society challenges us to achieve, acquire, and be busy.  Society makes you choose to stay on course with everyone and become financially secure, develop a reputation, and be comfortable and self-sufficient.  Society sometimes makes you choose between what the world expects and requires or following your heart.

When all of us experience change and loss, the world’s directions leave us directionally challenged and empty.  Oh, I have lived this busyness and the need to achieve even in ministry.  My focus has changed though.  It is not that it was a wrong direction, it just made me learn where I do not want to go.  I have been slowing down and listening to the One who gives perfect directions.  I do not need to choose between following God and staying on course with my life because staying on course is following God’s direction.

How do we know where to go and which direction God is leading?  First, it is slowing ourselves down from the busyness of the world and our anxious thoughts.  It is removing ourselves from the merry-go-round of the media world and the comparisons with others.  It is not just reading God’s Word but listening to His Word speak to your heart.  It is listening to music that speaks God’s Word and love and grace into your heart.  It is choosing God-fearing friends and mentors to assist discerning God’s Word to you.  It is daily seeking God purpose just for today.

If God opens doors that are within the guidance and direction of His Word, then go that way.  Sometimes I believe God gives us choices in directions.  God blesses us with the freedom of choice because He loves us so much.  The challenge is to distinguish God’s voice from the noises of this world.

Begin this journey by saying, “God, I trust you.  I am listening.”  This is my constant prayer.


Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon


The Tracks In My Head

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may exalt you.  Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you.”  I Peter 5:6-7

I saw the tracks in the parking lot where the workers had walked through the concrete dust.  It looked like they had sprayed off their equipment and then walked through the water.  They left their tracks.  In the winter, I see tracks through the snow from animals that cross my running path.  I walked across my vinyl floor and left wet footprints because my socks were wet from my morning run. These are all visible tracks that usually clean up with some soap and water or melting snow.

We see railroad tracks that lead somewhere down the line and are permanent.  They are straight and the train that runs on them does not deviate from the rail unless an obstacle or engine failure cause it to jump the tracks.  The tracks go in different directions but connect so that the train can transfer tracks.  We have racetracks where people, cars, tractors, motorcycles and a variety of other types of vehicles go round and round with the purpose of winning a race.  There are lots of different types of tracks in the world.

A track can also be a direction.  For example, a person can be on track to graduate or for a job promotion.  There are many definitions for tracks.  As I was running my well-worn path this past week, I was thinking about all the tracks that are in our heads.  We may have a well-worn track of worry and anxiety.  It is easy to jump on this track when something goes wrong , or we are afraid for the future.  We have tracks that focus on schedules, deadlines, tasks, and the overwhelming details of life.  We have tracks that focus on the future and all the possible outcomes.  We have tracks that think and worry about family, friends, loved ones, and how to fix their lives.  We have tracks of grief, and we tend to slow down on this journey to remember and linger in the memories.  All these tracks or paths in our heads are well-worn and can easily consume and become the focus of life.  Some paths we just keep jumping back on, and it feels like we are going in circles.

Is there a common track that runs through everything in your head - a track that keeps you from going in the wrong direction or being consumed by the negativity and struggles of life?  Can you pull yourself off a path that leads to worry, anxiety, or depression – a thought path that focuses on the things of this world that do not really matter?  I believe the track that we desire is the straight and constant path of God’s Presence.

My head can get pretty complex with all my thoughts, and if I could draw what is in my head it would be a jumbled mess of tracks crossing over each other with some going nowhere and some with an abrupt end.  Some are well-worn because I go over and over them continuously.  Come on, you have to admit those thought patterns in your head can be mixed up, not defined, and feel like they are not going anywhere with purpose.

My desire is that every track of thought would run through God’s track.  That is, I would include God in each thought.  When my mind wanders and I feel lost, anxious or just not myself, I have come to realize these feelings remind me I forgot to include God in my thoughts.

God calls us to humble ourselves and admit that we cannot stay focused on the right track of life without him.  Get on track with God and allow God to set the pace and the timing.  It is giving God all the anxieties knowing He cares for you and me.  God wants to be part of every thought, step, direction, and plan of our lives.  When we get on track in our heads with God, we begin to trust God, seek His guidance, and rely on His peace and comfort.  I am trying not to get ahead of God but to slow down my thoughts and stay on the track of today.


Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon


Trust The Designer

“I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord.  “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you.  I will give you hope and a good future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

In the Church parking lot where I run, the Church is remodeling their main entrance.  Each morning, I observe the workers’ progress from the previous day.  Their supervisor brings the plans and lays them out on his truck hood, and they discuss the next steps.  At least that is what appears to me to be happening.  I have no clue what the plans are nor is it my responsibility to figure it out.  I just need to be patient and wait for the work to be completed and then enjoy the result.  I have no role or voice; I just have the opportunity to watch their work and the progress of the plans.  I can guess what it will look like, but why focus on something that may never happen?  I am choosing to enjoy the steps I encounter each morning.

One morning, the boss had the plans in his hands as he talked with the workers.  It seemed to me that something was not right as the boss pointed to an area of their work.  I assume that there was a deviation from the original plan.  For the project to be successful, the workers had to follow the exact blueprint, or it would not be sturdy and conform to the agreed upon creation.  The workers had to trust their supervisor and the plan.

I believe God as the Great Designer has a plan for each of our lives.  God desires for us to live an abundant life and live a life following Jesus.  God wants us to follow His plan of salvation and life and live forever with Him in Heaven.  I believe God has a plan – a direction and a design for our lives but not a blueprint.  God is with us in every detail, but God gives us freedom to make choices in the plan.  These paths may take us on a winding way and a longer more difficult journey but will eventually lead us to our ultimate goal of living with Jesus now and forever.

So, when we trust God, give our hearts to Jesus, and allow His Spirit to live within us and guide us, why is the path so treacherous and difficult?  It is that “why” question we ask in situations that do not make any sense to us.  We know we live in a fallen and broken world.  We know the sins of others bring pain and hurt.  We know God is with us in the sorrows, troubles, and grief of life.  But we still wonder how this could be part of God’s plan.  Why does not God just heal or prevent it from happening?  God has all power and can do anything He chooses.  So why doesn’t God?  We are angry, disappointed, and hurt when we pray and ask God to heal or bless or grant our request and God doesn’t.  We pray for God’s will, but we also pray that God’s plan and will fits our desire.

Oh, it is so hard to trust when we cannot see the plan and future.  We want to know how it fits together and what life will look like before we trust.  Remember, our responsibility is to trust.  God knows the big picture, we don’t.  Oh, but we want to know. This is where our anxiety comes into life, and we focus on the future.  We may then focus on the plan for the lives of others around us and attempt to determine and guide their life plan.  It is not our job or responsibility to choose or guide another person’s life.

Just like I am not privileged to see the plans of the project at the Church and only see the day-to-day progress, God only gives to you and me the plan for the day.  Sometimes God just gives us the plan moment by moment.  Even when I trust and surrender to God, I have a hope and desire that when I ask God to bless or heal that God will grant my request.  There are times we all think this but do not want to admit out loud that we have gone through enough struggles.  We keep score of all the heartaches and pain and traumas and feel that we got more than our share so God should answer our prayers because what we desire is good.

Unfortunately, life does not work that way.  God has provided a way for the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus’ death on the cross.  That is the greatest gift, our salvation.  If that is all God did for us, it would be enough. But God is the Great Designer and has a plan and good future for each of us.  Life is not fair and bad happens within the design, but God is still with us. God still loves us.  Our job is to trust even when trusting seems so hard and so contrary to how we feel.  I do not need to know every step; I just need to know who walks with me in each step – Jesus!


Check out my new book – Live Different Moments.  Each chapter has an Annie story.  Annie will guide you in living into life.

My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -

Live Different Moments: Finding Contentment and Peace after Change and Loss: Sturtz, Elaine J. Clinger: 9798989125708: Books

My Books – Living In The Different  and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon