Blessings From Behind
/“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
I was headed west as I finished my run in the early morning. The sun was rising, and I looked over my shoulder and was blessed with an amazing sunrise. I stopped and turned around and took a picture of this awesome picture God had painted to begin the morning. I was blessed with the beauty of God’s creation. If I had not looked behind me, I would have missed this blessing. It made me think of the blessings I may have missed in my life because I did not stop and receive them.
I shared in the thirteenth birthday blessing party of my niece, Juliana. Her parents began a tradition in their family of having a blessing celebration when each child turns thirteen. It was a way to bring together those in their child’s life that are mentors and encouragers and friends to share a blessing and encouraging words and scripture. As I shared with Juliana, I reminded her that she is blessed with a foundation of love and faith from her family. Her blessing comes from what her parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents instilled in their children and imparted to the next generation. I gave to Juliana a framed scripture of Joshua 1:9 – “I command you to be strong and brave, do not be afraid because the Lord your God is with you everywhere you go.” This blessing comes from behind her. It is God’s word to Joshua, and it was also my husband, Dave’s life scripture. By giving her the framed scripture, it was as if Dave was supporting and encouraging her too.
I visited my cousin and his wife as he now begins the journey home to Heaven. As I talked with Ron, his smile emerged. When I think of my cousin, his smile is my first thought. His smile is a blessing that is part of my memories of Ron. As I shared memories of growing up with his children and times together at reunions, his smile is my fondest memory. It is the blessing that will sustain. When God calls him home, his smile will remain in my heart. Every time I think of Ron, I will smile.
This past week, Ray was called home to Heaven. He and his family were a blessing to me in the first church I was appointed as an Associate Minister. Though it was years ago, the blessing of his life is part of my foundation of faith. As I look behind me, I remember his smile, his sweet voice that praised God, his gentle spirit, his love for his wife and family, and his love for Jesus that radiated in his smile.
Looking behind is not living in the past but allowing the past to be living in the present. The past is filled with blessings and relationships that influence and guide us to become who we are today. If it were not for these people and experiences, we would have missed how God was refining and growing us. Blessings are not always obvious and sometimes when we go through struggles and challenges, we do not see the blessings in them until we look back and see God’s presence through them.
It is not that we wanted the experiences which resulted in loss, pain or heartache, but God brought us through these which is a blessing itself. I have begun to look for daily blessings and thank God for each gift. A blessing is God’s favor. When we focus on seeing God’s presence in daily life, we smile when we become aware that God’s blessings are everywhere just like God’s presence. It is having the mindset to focus on the good and the blessings that God grants to us even in the storms of life.
I am aware of these blessings because of what came behind me. The people whom God placed in my life who lived and expressed the love of Jesus to me through their lives, their faith, their smiles, and their encouragement. I am who I am because of the blessings of those who loved me, supported me, encouraged me, and their love continues to give me strength. Those who have come behind me continue to live in me today. Though they are physically not present in this world, their love shines in my heart and life. I have been blessed. You have been blessed.
Allow the blessings from behind to shine in your life and bring you peace.
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My Books on Amazon
Live Different Moments
Living In The Different
Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper