Whispering Good
/“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Tears leaked gently from the corner of his eyes and his lips formed his familiar smile. In that moment, he was fully present with me. The diseases of the mind and body were not strong enough to withstand the power of God’s spirit in him. For the moments I was with him, we remembered our history together and how God allowed us to share life in the body of believers. We focused on the good God brought into our lives though life was a struggle now for him. I told stories from the storehouse of memories sharing how God worked through him to make a difference in the lives of others. His life was a reflection of Jesus.
I had been invited into a very holy and sacred space with my special friends as the preparation for leaving this world became more evident and imminent. They asked for prayer, and I offered to come, and the door was opened to this hallowed journey. The focus was on the good God worked in his life and the good the memories represented. The quietness of the moment whispered good while the situation cried in pain, anger and sorrow.
As I talked with his wife, memories of my own journey nine years ago flooded my emotional thoughts. It was as if I knew what she was thinking and wanted to say but it was too difficult actually saying the words that were in her head. I verbalized those feelings for her. She did not want her husband to be in pain and suffer, but she did not want him to die. She wanted him to be released from the pain, but she had no idea how to live life without him. She was angry at the diseases and that God would allow them, but she knew her strength came from God who loved her and lived in her heart and in the heart of her husband. God brought good out of my own experience by allowing me to stand with another beginning this journey. I had been where she now was, and she needed someone who received her struggle and emotions. I did not try to fix, but I understood.
God is good. Good comes from God. God works for good in all situations. True statements, but difficult to live when your heart is breaking because a loved one is dying. We tend to see death as punishment. Not punishment to the one dying especially when we know they will be in Heaven and be healed of the brokenness this world dumped on their bodies. The punishment is what we who are left endure. It is a life without the one we love and with whom we have shared life with all these years. Why do we have to go alone and give up the dreams and plans for our future? Why not more years?
Not everything that happens in life is good nor is it explainable. God takes the brokenness and works good out of it. Not everything that happens to those who believe is good. The good is that God loves us while we are in it and going through it. God is all around us. We just do not understand why God allows it and does not take us out of it. We know God can do anything and miracles still happen. So why does God answer some prayers with miracles and some we do not receive the answer we wanted? All good questions. And questions that only God can answer and which God will reveal to us when we arrive in Heaven.
So what about now? Listen to the whispers of good in your heart. Remember the love and the moments with your loved one. That is part of the good God brings to those who love Him. God wants us to see the good in the people who are on our path of life. God wants us to focus on the moments that are given and treasure them. It is not focusing on the loss but on what we gained by enjoying life together now.
God does not want us to deny the pain and hurt that comes from loss. It is the result of the brokenness and sin of this world. God does not want us to deny our reality. But we tend to worry about what is going to happen, that we miss the holy and sacred moments in front of us. God wants us to experience the good that will sustain us in the brokenness.
“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” Romans 8:28 (The Message)
You will find all my past blogs on my website – www.livinginthedifferent.com
My Books found on Amazon
Live Different Moments -available on Amazon -
Living In The Different
Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper