Trust The Designer
/“I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” Jeremiah 29:11
In the Church parking lot where I run, the Church is remodeling their main entrance. Each morning, I observe the workers’ progress from the previous day. Their supervisor brings the plans and lays them out on his truck hood, and they discuss the next steps. At least that is what appears to me to be happening. I have no clue what the plans are nor is it my responsibility to figure it out. I just need to be patient and wait for the work to be completed and then enjoy the result. I have no role or voice; I just have the opportunity to watch their work and the progress of the plans. I can guess what it will look like, but why focus on something that may never happen? I am choosing to enjoy the steps I encounter each morning.
One morning, the boss had the plans in his hands as he talked with the workers. It seemed to me that something was not right as the boss pointed to an area of their work. I assume that there was a deviation from the original plan. For the project to be successful, the workers had to follow the exact blueprint, or it would not be sturdy and conform to the agreed upon creation. The workers had to trust their supervisor and the plan.
I believe God as the Great Designer has a plan for each of our lives. God desires for us to live an abundant life and live a life following Jesus. God wants us to follow His plan of salvation and life and live forever with Him in Heaven. I believe God has a plan – a direction and a design for our lives but not a blueprint. God is with us in every detail, but God gives us freedom to make choices in the plan. These paths may take us on a winding way and a longer more difficult journey but will eventually lead us to our ultimate goal of living with Jesus now and forever.
So, when we trust God, give our hearts to Jesus, and allow His Spirit to live within us and guide us, why is the path so treacherous and difficult? It is that “why” question we ask in situations that do not make any sense to us. We know we live in a fallen and broken world. We know the sins of others bring pain and hurt. We know God is with us in the sorrows, troubles, and grief of life. But we still wonder how this could be part of God’s plan. Why does not God just heal or prevent it from happening? God has all power and can do anything He chooses. So why doesn’t God? We are angry, disappointed, and hurt when we pray and ask God to heal or bless or grant our request and God doesn’t. We pray for God’s will, but we also pray that God’s plan and will fits our desire.
Oh, it is so hard to trust when we cannot see the plan and future. We want to know how it fits together and what life will look like before we trust. Remember, our responsibility is to trust. God knows the big picture, we don’t. Oh, but we want to know. This is where our anxiety comes into life, and we focus on the future. We may then focus on the plan for the lives of others around us and attempt to determine and guide their life plan. It is not our job or responsibility to choose or guide another person’s life.
Just like I am not privileged to see the plans of the project at the Church and only see the day-to-day progress, God only gives to you and me the plan for the day. Sometimes God just gives us the plan moment by moment. Even when I trust and surrender to God, I have a hope and desire that when I ask God to bless or heal that God will grant my request. There are times we all think this but do not want to admit out loud that we have gone through enough struggles. We keep score of all the heartaches and pain and traumas and feel that we got more than our share so God should answer our prayers because what we desire is good.
Unfortunately, life does not work that way. God has provided a way for the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus’ death on the cross. That is the greatest gift, our salvation. If that is all God did for us, it would be enough. But God is the Great Designer and has a plan and good future for each of us. Life is not fair and bad happens within the design, but God is still with us. God still loves us. Our job is to trust even when trusting seems so hard and so contrary to how we feel. I do not need to know every step; I just need to know who walks with me in each step – Jesus!
Check out my new book – Live Different Moments. Each chapter has an Annie story. Annie will guide you in living into life.
My NEW book – Live Different Moments - Available on Amazon -
My Books – Living In The Different and Life Lessons of a Lone Trooper – Available on Amazon