Experiencing God Moments

“People trust God all the time.  Tell him all your problems, because God is our protection.”  Psalm 62:8

This past week I intentionally focused on living in the moment and trusted God was with me in those moments.  I focused on living fully in the day.  This was much easier than normal because I went on an adventure.  Each day I traveled to a different place and focused on what God was placing on my path.

We experienced the Billy Graham Library and felt the Spirit of God through the library and with the staff.  Billy Graham’s purpose in life was to offer Jesus to those who are lost.  The library’s focus was Jesus and how God used Billy Graham to bring others to accept the gift of salvation through Jesus.  It was amazing to see and hear about the people God brought to Jesus through Billy Graham and the relationship he had with so many people throughout his life.

We also visited the Cove which is the Billy Graham Training Center in Asheville.  It is the fulfillment of the dream of Ruth Graham to provide a place for Christians to rest, renew, and grow within the beauty of the mountains.  The Chapel is breathtaking in its design, furnishings, and location.  But the true beauty is felt as you walk into the chapel and feel the Holy Spirit move through the pews and magnificent wooden ceiling and lights.

We traveled to the Biltmore Estates and experienced the extravagance of a home and the detailed architecture and mountain views and amazing gardens.  Words cannot describe it and it was beyond my imagination.  But what touched my heart was the reason for it being built – the Vanderbilts wanted a place where their friends and family could rest and retreat from the busy city and enjoy the mountains of North Carolina.

Even in our visit to the Samaritan’s Purse headquarters in Boone, North Carolina, the purpose was not the beautiful facility nestled in the mountains, but how the organization shares Jesus throughout the world during disaster relief and caring for the needs around the world.

While I enjoyed all the beauty, architecture, and ministries on this adventure, my God moments were about the relationships I encountered on the trip.  Bringing a smile to the desk clerk when I thanked him for the dinner suggestion.  Meeting a grandmother and her grandchildren in the Biltmore parking lot as we were finishing our day and they were starting their tour.  I shared pictures I had taken with the young girls who were so excited to see everything.  Sharing a few hours with a former youth, Nikki, and her mom and talking about life and how God had brought us through the challenges of life.  Then sharing with a cousin and her friend about their ministry and the struggles of serving God in ministry.  Talking with our tour guide for several hours about Jesus, life, pain, and joy.

These were all Divine God appointments and became the purpose for our adventure.  When one lives and experiences the moment, it is a true miracle.  To be able to not worry or think about what happens next but to trust that God has the future and wants us to just find the purpose and the good in what is going on in front of us.  Give yourself permission to live in the moment.  Get out of your fear of what could happen and live in what is actually happening.  If you do not like it, you can either change the situation or your attitude toward it.

Life is what we create in our head.  While the places I go to are wonderful, and I experience the history, enjoy the entertainment, and breathe in the beauty of God’s creation, I look for God appointments in these moments.  It keeps me in the present because I am excited to see who God will put on my path today to reveal His love and presence.  I know God is with me and all around me, but these special God appointments reveal that God has a purpose for me today and God will draw me even closer to Him through these encounters.

So when I live in the moment, I am more aware of the people around me.  Someone I can encourage with a smile, praise for the work they are doing, thank them, or be open to listening to their heart.  It is also being intentional about taking the time to bring people closer into my life and not be in such a hurry thinking that is out of my way or I will do it some other time.  Make the call.  Reconnect.  Look around you with the eyes of Jesus.  Encourage.  Trust God to give you a Divine Appointment when you stay in the present moment with Him.