Backside of Life

“So we do not give up.  Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day.”   2 Corinthians 4:16

Recently I visited the town of Hickory in the mountains of North Carolina.  It has a quaint restored area called “Union Station” with shops, restaurants, and outdoor stage and seating area along the railroad tracks.  We walked around the block and found an alley that exposed the backside of these shops.  The backside had its own unique beauty and rustic look.  It was the quiet side of the town.  On the trip, we also drove some of the back roads of North Carolina to see what life was like in the mountains.  I tend to drive the backroads more often than the major highways especially when I am not in a hurry.  I enjoy seeing everyday life and the countryside.  Growing up in the country, these backroads were the usual way to travel.  The backroads also display the beauty of God’s creation in its natural form.

I recently took my elderly friends to lunch, and we drove some of the backroads of their area on the journey.  As we talked about life and their almost seventy years of marriage, the thought came to me that they are in the backside of life.  Their bodies have declined, but their spirits are full of life as they shared their wisdom and love.

I grew up in the day of record players and records.  On the 45 records there was the hit song on one side and on the backside was usually an unknown song.  Many times, the backside song was a decent song that just did not get playing time on the radio.  It was usually ignored because it was the backside.

So after all these examples, what is the backside of life?  I believe it is the different life we are living now.  It is a slower journey, and we need to find the beauty in it and its purpose.  It is not as obvious.  The backside of life occurs when life changes.  It is not what we expected, planned, or wanted to happen.  It is now the other side – the unknown song.  It is not as familiar, and it takes time to see its beauty and meaning.  There are lots of twists and turns, ups and downs, and sometimes we get lost because there are no maps or at least direct routes.  Those who have traveled these backroads see the beauty because they slow down and focus on what is around them.

The backside of life can also be what is hidden from view.  We live a life that is visible to these around us, but we keep hidden most of the time our emotions, feelings, hurts of our hearts, regrets, sins, and all the thoughts in our heads.  Sometimes they spill out but most of the time we keep all of the backside inside of us.  We stuff it down.  To live life to the fullest and experience the freedom of life, we cannot pile up the stuff on the backside. When I travel on the backroads, and I look at some of the properties, on the backside unneeded stuff or old used stuff is piled up.  It is discarded but still on the property.  Some piles are quite big and have become permanent with trees growing around and in it. 

It is the same with you and me.  Thoughts and past feelings of regret, pain, and hurt can pile up inside.  We hold on to the sin of our lives.  We ask God to forgive us and believe God forgives, but we do not forgive ourselves.  It is releasing the stuff inside so you can be free to live in the beauty of the backside of your life.

You wanted to live life on the side of life that was familiar, good, and where you planned to enjoy life.  But now you are living on the backside whether it is in years or because of change, this is now life.  I believe God was faithful when life was good, and you were playing your favorite tune.  I believe God is faithful now as you begin the journey on the backside.  I believe God will be faithful as you walk the journey in the future.  God is with each one of us no matter where life takes us.  Enjoy the ride.  Look for the beauty and God’s presence on the backside.  It may take a little longer to find it but keep looking!