My Faithful Companion

“Well done good and faithful servant…enter into the joy of your master.”  Luke 35:21

This past week has been filled with emotions that have pulled at my heart and found me holding tightly to God’s hand.  My faithful companion dog, Annie, crossed over into Heaven on Good Friday, the 7th.  She had been declining all week and began to struggle.  Her eyes told me it was time to let go.  Through much prayer, I made the decision to let her go and release her from her pain and struggle.  I wrapped her in her beloved prayer quilt and carried her to the vehicle.  As we rode to the vet office, she pressed her body against me.  I felt her warmth and the beat of her heart next to mine.  Our hearts were connected in life and now in death.  I carried her into the office and laid her down on the table.  She looked at me and licked my face so tenderly as if to kiss me goodbye and our eyes embraced in that tender moment.  Within a few minutes, God released her to Heaven.

Annie has been my constant companion since my husband, Dave died.  We have a special bond that goes beyond even family.  Annie and I have communicated in the depth of our being.  She was sent by God to me for a purpose.  We grieved together at the loss of my husband, Dave and her master.  I was never alone because she was always by my side.  I took Annie with me almost everywhere.  She has been with me in counseling sessions, weddings, funerals, baptisms, worship services, seminars, family gatherings and then lived in the backseat of my vehicle when she could not attend the event.  Annie is known by hundreds of people in several states.  She has been from Niagara Falls to the beach, from the mountains to the farmlands.  Neighbors knew Annie’s name but forgot mine.  I was known as “Annie’s mom.”

I have spent twenty-seven years caring for two dogs – Annie and Specs.  Specs lived sixteen years and Annie was almost eleven years old.  My life developed a routine around them.  I made plans based on how long I could leave them or made arrangements for others to watch them if I needed to be away longer or travel.  I took care of their needs, but more importantly we created a bond of mutual love and care.  When life was tough, they were always there to love me and help change my focus to the present moment.

Annie loved people and brought a smile to most people she encountered.  She was a happy dog who loved her treats and belly rubs.  But there was more to Annie.  She had a purpose.  She was beside me in my grief and served my clients as a therapy dog by greeting them and sitting beside them in their tears and pain.  Annie recognized hurt because she had experienced it in her life.  She felt loss with the death of her master.  She adjusted to change with me in our moves and office locations.  As long as I was with her, Annie was content.

Her death on Good Friday seemed appropriate to me since Good Friday is a day of sacrifice and servanthood.  On Good Friday, Jesus sacrificed His life for our sins.  He humbled himself to be a servant to die a cruel death for our forgiveness and to conquer death so that we will have eternal life and be with Him forever.  He completed His purpose on Good Friday. 

Annie completed her purpose on Good Friday.  While it is difficult to let go of my constant companion who stayed by my side in the sad times of my life and celebrated the joys with me.  I did not want her to suffer anymore.  I also knew by her lick and her eyes that she gave me permission to close a chapter of life and have the freedom from the responsibility of caring for her.  She had completed her purpose on earth and was ready to enjoy the blessings of Heaven.  Annie made the sacrifice so I could take a step into the next chapter of my life.  Because of her sacrifice and her life, I have learned to slow down and enjoy the moments of life more, to play more, take walks and witness the beauty of God’s creation.  I have met people through Annie and sat like Annie with people in their hurt and pain.  Annie was sent by God to teach me.  She had purpose.  Annie was a servant who was good and faithful.

As I reflect on my sweet Annie this Easter Season, I have been able to focus more clearly on Jesus’ sacrifice for me out of His love.  He suffered for me and died so that I could be free from sin and live into this chapter of life that God has for me.  Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven and gave his Holy Spirit to live within us to guide and direct our daily lives.  The Holy Spirit connects us to others.  We love through Jesus’ Spirit.  He first loved us so that we can love others even our faithful companions. Spell DOG backwards and you get GOD – a selfless, sacrificial love.  We have the assurance we are never alone.  God’s Spirit dwells within us.

My life has been forever changed because of Jesus’ life and death on the cross and His resurrection and the gift of His Holy Spirit that fills me and guides me each moment.  My life has been enhanced by my dog, Annie.  She challenged me to stay active, to enjoy life, to be patient, to listen to the pain and hurt of others, to enjoy relationships, and to eat treats each day.

As we grieve our losses in life, we learn to release them to Heaven to live.  I believe Annie is running now in Heaven.  She has met my other dog, Specs, and they are playing together with Dave watching over them.  Releasing Annie has given me my last release of Dave so that we can both live fully – me on Earth and Dave in Heaven.  Dave and I adopted Annie on our wedding Anniversary therefore her name “Annie” for Anniversary.  Annie was Dave’s dog who became mine at His death.  I can now release Annie into God’s and Dave’s tender care.

There is a hole in my heart and grief fills my soul as I release Annie.  I am thankful for Annie’s life, and I am assured she is running in Heaven.  Heaven is filled with everything good God created.  Releasing Annie gives me the freedom to live into this next chapter of life without being responsible for her care.  Release allows us to live differently into this life.

Run, Annie Girl.  Run in Heaven.