Peace In Trusting

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”  Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

As I write these words, I am sitting in my sunroom with my faithful companion dog, Annie.  She is at my feet on her prayer quilt made by sister.  Annie has been constantly by my side since my husband, Dave died.  She grieved with me, provided companionship so I would never be alone, and has gone to work with me as my therapy dog.  Annie has kept me active by walking and running with me.  Now Annie is preparing to cross over the rainbow bridge to run again in Heaven.  She has end stage diabetes, and it is just a matter of time.

Annie is still eating and drinking but sleeps most of the time.  She takes short walks and has lost weight and muscle tone.  It is a slow good-bye.  Her eyes tell me every day that she is getting tired.  Letting go is difficult for both of us.  It is knowing for me when it is time to release her.  The vet tells me I will know.  I believe God will let me know because He already knows.  I do not need to worry because God known when and what is going to happen.  I am at peace trusting God with my faithful companion even though it is sad and difficult.

Peace is knowing God is beside you and resting in that assurance.  You do not have to be anxious nor worry because God is in control and walking beside you.  Peace is not dependent upon the circumstances around you.  You can still be sad and have peace.  Peace is more about trusting God with all the unknowns of life.  It is giving to God your fears and your need to control and figure out each situation.  Peace is an inner contentment that trusts God even when you do not understand.

So many times in life we demand an answer to the “why?”  Why would someone kill innocent children?  Why would someone so full of life and purpose get cancer?  Why would God allow such evil and pain?  When we live in the whys of life, we are filled with anxiety, anger, and struggle.  It is not that I am denying all the evil, wrong, pain and heartache of this world, nor am I being naïve. I am trusting God that He knows the big picture and will bring good out of the situation in His time.  This does not justify evil or pain, but faces the reality of life that evil and pain happen so now what I am going to do about it?  I am going to trust God not my anxiety or worry or anger.

It is releasing the anxiety of the future by trusting God in the present.  It is trusting God’s timing not my desire to control.  I am trusting my dog, Annie is in God’s care.  I love and care for her and know God will release her to Heaven someday where she will be whole again and run and play.  Yes, I do believe dogs go to Heaven.  God created animals in His perfect world so Heaven is perfect, therefore, all God created that was good will be in Heaven.

I am trusting God in what I cannot see – the future and the timing of when change will happen.  Trust is not easy, but with trust comes peace.  Instead of planning everything and trying to fix and control the events of the future, I am trusting God and relaxing in God’s presence.  I trust God will lead me.  I am trusting God in each situation and focusing on God with me.  When we focus on all our thoughts, anxiety is heightened, and we go inward thinking we need to be in control of the outcome of everything around us.  There is no peace because we are trusting in ourselves to accomplish everything.  This is exhausting and overwhelming.  We are not living in the present, but our thoughts are focused on the future.  We become afraid of all the unknowns of life.

Peace is trusting that God has us.  Peace is trusting God knows everything.  Peace is trusting God will walk us through whatever situation we are in if we release it to God and take His hand on the journey through it.  Peace for me is trusting God with my faithful companion.  God will hold her close and me as we journey together.  I am at peace.  I am still sad.  I am trusting God.