Angel Appointment

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”  Hebrews 13:2 NIV

Last year when we came back from Key West, our flight was delayed over an hour leaving Key West.  We arrived in Charlotte fifteen minutes before our connecting flight was to leave.  We literally ran through the airport and made the flight just before the doors were closed.  So this year, we decided to schedule a later flight and enjoy a leisurely dinner at the airport.  Our flight had no delays, and we arrived at Charlotte with a three-hour wait for the next flight.  We checked the airlines to see if we could get on the earlier flight that had not boarded yet.  We were placed on standby and then received boarding passes for this flight.  Yeah! We would now arrive home over two hours earlier!

Little did I know that God had an appointment for me on this earlier flight.  My seat was in the middle and there was already a lady seated in the aisle seat when we boarded.  I always speak to whomever I am seated beside. I said, “Hi” and she responded that this was only her second time flying and she was a little nervous.  I told her I enjoy flying and that I would talk with her through the flight.  She showed me a picture of her new granddaughter which was the reason for her travels.    She shared about her job, and she asked me what I did.  I shared that I was a counselor, and my focus was on grief.  Then she shared about her mom who was struggling after the death of her dad.  I shared about my book – Living In The Different and gave her my card with my website.  We talked most of the flight.

When we encountered some turbulence, she was scared.  I touched her arm and assured her that this was normal, and we were going through a storm.  She was anxious until she looked back a row and saw another lady visibly shaken by the turbulence.  My seatmate reached back to her and comforted her and gave her breathing techniques that she had learned from another seatmate on her first flight.  As she gave help and comfort to someone else, her fears calmed.  Her focus was no longer on herself but on how she could help someone else.  God gives to us comfort so that we can give comfort to others.

She turned back and smiled at me.  She said, “I never told you my name – it’s Angel.”  When we landed, we walked Angel to the baggage claim.  I hugged her and we parted knowing we had just had a Divine appointment.

God put me on that flight for Angel and orchestrated the flight change.  I believe God cares for the details of our lives and places people and situations in front of us.  Angel needed someone to comfort her on the flight.  Her mom needed help in her grief.  The other lady needed Angel’s comfort.  I needed to be reminded by God who was in control.

I believe that there are angels all around us.  Angels guide, protect, and are messengers from God.  We are never alone in this world even when we feel lost.  Sometimes we may not be aware of the angels around us, but I believe they are with us.

Alabama sings the song – Angels Among Us

Oh, I believe there are angels among us

Sent down to us from somewhere up above

They come to you and me in our darkest hours

To show us how to live, to teach us how to give

To guide us with the light of love


Yes, I believe God sends angels as His messengers to be with us in our darkest hours and to guide us.  I am being open to the Divine Appointments God has for me.  Trust that God has you where He needs and wants you.  Look around and maybe you are the angel someone else needs in their life.  You just need to be open and available to God’s leading and purpose.

My next book - Live Different Moments - will be released on November 1, 2023 and will be available on Amazon.