Live Different Moments

“We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him.  They are his people he called, because that was his plan.”   Romans 8:28 NCV

I recently returned from a week in Key West, Florida.  We spent time with my cousin. The weather was perfect – sunny, breezy, and warm.  Key West is an adventure that does not usually fit my lifestyle.  I do not drink, party, or enjoy the wild night life that is typical of the island.  But I found God in the different moments in the city.  God’s creation was all around us – the sunshine, the clouds, the sunsets, the ocean, and the quiet rest while star gazing.  I found God in the smiles, the conversations, and the dogs.  I tried to live in the present and not allow the temptations of the world block God’s presence.  I chose to focus on what God prepared for me each day and enjoy the moments.  I was living differently than those around me, and I felt God’s presence and did not have the desire to participate in what others were doing.

I have embraced the changes in my life and am trying to keep my eyes on Jesus.  I am depending more on God to lead and direct me in these different moments.  I am beginning to define who I am in Jesus not other people.  I am allowing the Holy Spirit to be my guide and give me strength for each situation.  It is releasing control to God and trusting God even when I cannot see or feel God’s presence.

I am viewing life as an adventure.  It is doing different activities and changing my attitude toward life.  It is trying new experiences and being true to who I am and not allowing other people to sway or influence me in a direction I do not want to go.  I am learning to live in front of me.  To be present in the moment and aware of what is around me.  It is living fully in the presence of God.  God knows what is best for me, and I trust God.  I find joy in the simple things of life and in the natural beauty that surrounds me.  I do not need to be entertained or sit in front of a box.  I want to enjoy life and be active in nature, the sunshine and the laughter and the joy of life.

As we live in these different moments, we will mess up and go the wrong direction at times.  The mess ups do not need to define your life, just the moment.  It is learning from them, letting go, and moving on.  I am moving closer to Jesus and enjoying the companionship of the One who loves me the most.  I am learning to be content with where I am, who I am, and whose I am.

Do you need help to live different moments?  We all do.  My dog, Annie, has been my inspiration in how to live differently.  Spell dog backward and you will find God.  Both give unconditional love and support.  God blessed me with Annie for almost eleven years.  She left her mark on my heart and life. 

Now Annie will guide you, too, to live fully and abundantly in this life through my next book – Live Different Moments.  It has been published.  The official release date is November 1, 2023.  Each chapter has an Annie story to guide in taking steps to live different moments.  It is a sequel in a sense to Living In The Different.  As you go through the intensity of grief, change, loss, and desire to live into the next chapter of life, you need direction.  This book provides those next steps.  The book reveals steps to take like – embrace change, let go, set boundaries, look up, live in front of you, simplify life, find contentment, and more.

Live Different Moments is available on Amazon and from me at area book signings and seminars that will be posted on my website.  Anyone wanting to host a book signing at your home or business or a seminar at your church or with your life group or organization, just contact me.

You were meant for more in life.  Live forward.  Live in the moment.  Depend on God and take His hand into life.