Recognize Reality

“This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God.”  I John 4:2-3 NIV

Each generation has terminology that expresses agreement and acknowledgement that something is good, real, and accepted.  For example, the 1960’s used “groovy,” the 1970’s use “hip”, the 1980’s used words like “rad” or “radical.”  Then came the 1990’s with “da bomb.”  You may have then used words similar to “like”, “awesome”, “cool”, “outrageous”, or even “gnarly”.  There were so many terms of expression that were used in almost every sentence.

Recently, I noticed my word has been “recognize.”  I caught myself using it continuously in my counseling sessions.  I affirmed clients in recognizing a distorted behavior or how they perceived someone else’s actions and words.  They recognized the false impression and how they were trying to please others at the expense of themselves.

To recognize.  We may recognize someone in a store but forget their name or when we met them.  We may acknowledge them and greet them.  It is in conversation that we remember who they are and our past connection.  To recognize is to acknowledge.  It is to identify someone as having a previous encounter.  To recognize is also to accept and realize who we are and who someone else really is based on behaviors and events in life.  We may also recognize distortions and misconceptions.

In this season of life, you may recognize you are different because of the changes that have occurred in your life.  Your world has changed.  You look in the mirror and remember who you used to be because of your past encounter with your previous self in your past life.  But you now look in the mirror and realize you have changed because life has dramatically changed.

The Holiday season is upon us, and family gatherings are all around.  It is at these gatherings that your thoughts and perceptions become intertwined with all these changes.  You are looking through some different lenses and seeking authenticity and what is real.  Your views of life and priorities are different and stronger to some extent.  You begin to see people for who they really are. Sometimes it is healthy to sit back and listen and ask God to give you an understanding of the people with whom you share life.  You recognize the person who always talks about himself and what he has done and has no interest in hearing the stories of others.  You recognize the one who serves and needs the approval of others.  You recognize the one who is shy or lonely or always happy.  You begin to see what is in the hearts of your family because you are looking at life more from your heart.

You are beginning to recognize the reality of your world and accept people for who they are.  You cannot change them nor fix them or their world.  You are learning to enter into their life box or world, enjoy the moments with them, validate them as a child of God and valuable, and now you recognize you can leave their box and let them live the life they choose.  Your daily life and decisions do not have to be influenced by your past interactions with them or your present interactions.  You are privileged to live in moments with them, and then release them to God.

Do you recognize who you are becoming?  Acknowledge and accept your past mistakes and hurts.  Learn from your past.  Release your old life and take the foundation of what you have learned and the love into your present.  Recognize life has changed.  Recognize that it is perfectly natural to have a plethora of emotions.  Name them, feel them, release them.  Emotions do not need to be in control.

Recognize who loves you and who never changes.  Recognize who is always with you and is your foundation of life.  Recognize God’s presence through His Spirit never leaves you.  Recognize that you are always in God’s presence. Recognize God loves you for who you are right now.  The reality of life is that God is always with you even in the storms of life.  Recognize God is the one who comforts and holds us.  God is with you right now.  Acknowledge God’s presence.  Recognize God with you is your reality.  Live in these moments with God.