Signature of the Heart

“You show that you are a letter from Christ sent through us.  This letter is not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God.  It is not written on stone tablets but on human hearts.” 

2 Corinthians 3:3 NCV

Recently, my friend posted a picture on social media of her son, Zak, who plays for a college football team signing his autograph for young fans at an event.  Zak’s autograph will have value in a few years.  Athletes, entertainers, and government officials sign autographs because society sees their signatures as valuable.  They are well known and having their signature elevates our status that for a brief moment, we were with them.

Our signatures.  We sign our name on checks, letters, official documents, agreements, loan papers, forms, and lots of other paperwork.  When I counsel, I take notes and at the end of the session I sign my name as my official witness to what I wrote was true.  We sign our names on paperwork to show that we agree with what is written on the form or document.  Our name represents who we are.

I have been signing my recently published book – Live Different Moments – at book signings in the area.  My signature represents that this is my book, I wrote every word, and I believe it is true.  I agree with the words in the book.  Other people request that I sign the book with my full name and write something to them so that they can claim ownership of the book and a relationship with the author.

I have a box filled with special cards and letters from family and friends.  Each is signed with love and are treasured possessions.  I have letters from my Grandma which are signed – “Love, Grandma” and letters from my mom signed “Love, Mom.” They did not need to sign their full names but signed their relationship name.  While the letters are written with ink and on paper, the words express the love and connection of our hearts and our relationship.

My signature represents who I am – my name.  It is my family name and my relationship name.  Society knows me by my name.  Our name is more than letters on a page.  Each signature is unique.  Some are impossible to decipher like a doctor’s signature and others have beautiful penmanship. Our signature represents our character, our foundation, and even our heart.  When you see someone’s name you know, you immediately have an opinion and view of the person and define them by your relationship with them.

So, what does your name say about you?  Who are you?  What’s your character and foundation? When someone sees your signature, what comes to their minds?  Is your signature legible?  Is it distinctive?

When I read the Bible, I see the words as God’s signature on our hearts.  God’s Word is true and reflects the nature and character of God.  God loves us so much that He gave His Son, Jesus, as the sacrifice for our sins.  Jesus’ signature is His blood shed for you and me.  We can claim relationship with the Author of the Bible.

God’s signature is also in nature.  I see God’s signature in the sky with sunrises and sunsets.  I see God’s signature in the beauty of the fall leaves and the crisp blue sky.  God’s signature is in the animals who bring us joy.  God’s signature is all around us.

I believe God writes His love on our hearts.  We are God’s signature in this world.  We have value and worth because we are children of God. The Holy Spirit is God’s signature within you.  Allow the signature of your heart to have value and worth.  Allow it to reflect the depth of God’s love to others.  Allow the signature of God’s love to give your life purpose and meaning.