Foundation Shifting
/“So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter.” 2 Thessalonians 2:15
I officiated at the burial of the cremains of my dear friend, Ray and his wife. Ray has been a signpost in my life, guiding me and encouraging me in ministry. I walked the journey with both of them into Heaven. As the taps were played and the American flag was folded, I felt the closure of Ray’s life on earth. His body was now contained in the urn as ashes, and it returned to the earth. My foundation of life feels stronger knowing Ray’s body is part of this earth, but his spirit and love are added to my heart and spirit. My foundation is firmer with each saint I release to Heaven.
While the sadness of loss is intense and inevitable each time, I am thankful to have loved and connected with dear saints. I am beginning to understand that who I am and the strength and confidence I have is based on all the people who are part of my foundation. Their love, legacy, and influence mixes within me, and I stand firmer in the face of life.
After the burial, I visited the cemetery where my husband, Dave is buried. As I stood beside the grave, I realized the sadness had turned to thanksgiving. He is part of my firm foundation of life. I know I will never sink because of his love and influence that has made me a stronger and more confident person. I also visited the grave of my dear friend, Ruth, who instilled in me independence, a strong voice, and a joy for life. My foundation is stronger and more resilient because of Ruth. I miss each one but give thanks for their life. Therefore, the sadness of my grief has turned into the joy of thankfulness.
As I mourn and give thanks for one life and released him to Heaven, I received the call that two other friends from my years in ministry are beginning the journey to Heaven. I also have begun the grief journey with several who have recently lost their spouse. My view of grief continues to evolve and change over the years of experience. Grief is the emotion of loss. The intensity of grief changes through the journey. As we release our loved one and allow them to be part of our foundation of life, the grief transforms into thanksgiving. We give thanks for the privilege of our loved one being in our life and adding to the meaning and purpose of life.
As our foundation is filled with all this love from those who have touched our lives, we begin to take steps into life having a sturdy foundation to support us. I find myself willing to try new adventures because of this firm foundation of love and support. I know I am never alone. Those who have poured their life and love into me have also had Jesus as their foundation which has drawn me even close to Jesus. Jesus is the solid rock upon which I stand. My foundation for life is firm and rooted deep in Jesus and in all those whom I have loved.
Grief turns us upside down, and it feels like we are sinking with no sure footing or foundation. Nothing feels right. Nothing is normal. It seems too difficult to take steps each day so we exist in the same place. As reality of life gets clearer and we begin to accept that life will be different, we can begin to live in this different. As we do, we take a step and feel the foundation of love that was always there but now is firmer because our loved one is now a part of this foundation. We see it clearer and am willing to take steps into living. We begin to build a new and different life on this love foundation. Grief is turned upside down and we have a firm foundation with Jesus and the love of all those who have influenced and poured life into us. Begin walking forward on this foundation of love.