Your Modus Operandi

“I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.”  Psalm 139:14

I am left-handed so I complete tasks and do things a little differently than the majority of people who are right-handed.  For example, I tie my shoestrings differently.  I have been told that I make an extra wrap around when I tie.  I also hang towels with the open side on the left not the right side.  I place cups in the cabinet with the handle on the left.  I also have ways of doing tasks that are unique to me which have nothing to do with which hand is dominant.  For instance, shoes need to be straight and together on the floor or on a shoe rack.  Laundry needs to be done and put away before going to work or leaving the house in the morning.

We all have certain quirks about us or our way of doing something.  It is our modus operandi. It is a particular way or method of doing something especially that is characteristic of or well established.  It is who you are.  You have probably said and heard others say, “That’s just who I am.”  Some of our methods are learned behaviors from our environment while other things are just unique to the individual.  It is the way God make each person – unique with different qualities.

So what is your modus operandi when life changes unexpectantly?  When bad things happen to you or those around you?  When conflict happens? When someone is negative and wrongs you?  What is your established behavior and way of responding when life is not what you want or desire?  Do you blow up, fall apart, blame others, or deal with it differently?

For some people, it is a take charge attitude and an attempt to control the situation.  They try to fix it and become angry that God allowed it to happen.  They cannot trust even God to take care of the situation, so they take control to protect themselves from being hurt again.  They have defined life so that they need to be vigilant and dominate the situation or life will fall apart, wound, and treat you badly.  Nobody is going to take care of you, so you have to do it yourself.

For others, your modus operandi is to be afraid and worry when life changes.  Fear is in control.  Your anxiety escalates with every change.  You attempt to plan for everything that could happen and feel overwhelmed with all the possibilities.  You live in this heightened state most days assuming you are just an anxious person. 

Others of you operate out of an escape concept.  When life gets difficult and changes occur, you shut down and escape to what is familiar and comfortable.  It may be a habit of zoning out with TV, social media, games, food, drinking, or sleeping.  You do not like change, and therefore you do not want to face it.  You let someone else take charge and you just try to live oblivious to life.

You may be one that when faced with hurt and hardship and the tragedies of life, you just stay busy.  You will just work your way through it.  Not think about it but stay busy with work and the details of daily life.  If you work hard enough, you can avoid it, or it will just go away.

Most of the modus operandi concepts mentioned are well established but never really satisfy or create a sense of peace about the changes in life.  All the ones I have mentioned are based on trying to fix, work or do it on your own.  Others just keep us stuck, afraid, and going in circles.

I have come to recognize the unique way God created me and have embraced the me that I have become.  It is Ok to be who God created me to be.  I am not perfect and never will handle every situation correctly or with grace.  In this different life, I am establishing my modus operandi as first going to God with everything.  I am surrendering to God each day.  My method of doing anything is to talk with God first.  Oh, this is a process to get to this dependency upon God.  Instead of making plans and then asking God to bless them, I am trying to be intentional of going to God and asking for direction.

It is depending on God’s strength, not my own.  It is releasing anxiety, fear, and my need to control.  My modus operandi is changing and as it changes, my dependency on God increases as does my inner peace and contentment.  Try it!