Heart Attitude

“Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near.”  Isaiah 55:6 NIV

Currently I am reading Franklin Graham’s book, Rebel With A Cause.  In the book, Franklin describes his rebellious life, and how God called him out of that life.  When Franklin took over the leadership of Samaritan’s Purse, he followed the guidance of the founder, Bob Pierce, who always personally checked out the need before sending support and supplies. This put Franklin in harms way in wars and natural disasters.  It has been amazing to read of his travels around the world, but overwhelming to read of the atrocities humanity does to other humanity.  Our world is so broken.

Franklin has a heart for Jesus.  He also has a heart to care for the needs of those in tragedies and to share Jesus with them.  One chapter concludes that he was taught by Bob Pierce that he could not help everyone, but he could help a few in Jesus’ name.  I began to reflect on this for my own life.  I read about all Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse has done around the world.  I even support this ministry financially, but God has not called me to do what Franklin does.  There should be no guilt, but guilt creeps in believing that we are not doing great works like other people.  I have had to change my attitude and look into my heart.  Who are the “few” God have given to me?

Those “few” have been so many different people and situations throughout my life. For example, I recently officiated at a funeral.  My connection began with my late husband, Dave and his high school best friend who was married, had three daughters, and then divorced.  I officiated at his funeral, his mother’s funeral and now his former wife’s funeral.  I have become part of their family as God called me to walk with them in the losses and to share Jesus with them.  My heart has stayed connected to the three daughters and their families.  I continue to draw near to God when I connect with this family and other families God has placed on my path of life. 

I keep last year’s Christmas Cards in a basket.  After Easter, I take a card from the basket each day and place the card on my table.  I pray for that person or family every time I walk past the card.  One card recently had printed on the front – “You are what Christmas is all about.  You care with all your heart, reach out and give with kindness, and touch the lives of those around you with happiness and love.”  Wow!  That touched my heart deeply.  That is my prayer.  I hope “the few” that God places on my path see my Jesus heart and through God’s Spirit in me I help them grow on the path of life into a closer relationship with Jesus.  I do not succeed every time and in every relationship.

Sometimes I get lost in trying to do enough and focus on the tasks to accomplish.  Being busy seems like I am doing more for God.  God does not look at the tasks completed, but He focuses on the attitude of our hearts.  Am I bringing people closer to Jesus and am I drawing nearer to Him in the process?  Sometimes I hurt people unintentionally.   It is when I focus on protecting myself and my desire to be right.  My heart attitude is selfish and not in keeping with what God wants for me.  I recognize I have stepped away from God and am trying to be in control and have rebelled.  When I realize this, I need to humble myself, seek God and draw closer to Him.  I have to admit who I have been is not who I desire to be.  I need a change of heart and to return to the “few” God has called me to care for.

Each day I pray that God will put on my path those whom He calls me to interact and provide care.  I pray for discernment and for His Holy Spirit to speak through me.  I will never preach to thousands in a stadium, and you probably will not either.  I may never provide hospital equipment and supplies to a war-torn village.  But God may call me to listen to the hurt of someone’s heart.  God may call me to provide comfort for someone who is grieving.  Hope to someone who feels life is not worth it and feels hopeless.  God may call you to share a smile and word of encouragement to your neighbor or a stranger.

I have found in seeking my “few,” that is, those God calls me to draw nearer to, I am not always connected to them on a regular basis.  Many times, we have had a connection in the past through a church, situation, or another person, and when in need, they seek me.  Just like the daughters whose mom’s funeral I recently officiated, they have remained in my heart over the years.  When a need arose for them, they reached out and God drew us near.

On this path of life, draw near to God.  Take steps closer each day to God.  Open your heart to those God places on your path.  God does not ask you to fix them nor their lives.  Just to share the love of Jesus with them.  Simply and genuinely.  Just the “few” He has given you.  You may be the one someone is seeking out to care for today.  Be open to allowing God is draw near to you through someone following God’s call for them.