
Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whoever accepts anyone I send also accepts me.  And whoever accepts me also accepts the One who sent me.”   John 13:20

I received an email about an upcoming Half Marathon race that I had participated in a few years ago.  I have completed five half marathons and several 5 K races and 10 K races over my running career.  I thought about signing up to run again, but I have not run that far in several years.  My body has changed.  While I still run six days a week, I only run three and a half miles each day.  My body can no longer endure longer runs.  I have had to accept my limitations with running.  I can still run and enjoy my prayer time running, but my days of races are complete.

Acceptance is when one faces the reality of one’s situation without attempting to change it or argue against it.  It is facing the reality of one’s current life.  And it is a very difficult part of life when one does not like the reality.  An aspect of my counseling is helping clients face the reality of where they are in life.  It may not be the life they expected or chose, but it is what is in front of them.

Accepting the limitations of our aging bodies is a challenge.  When illness or disease is added to these physical changes, it is challenging.  One does not want to give up hope of improving, but it is saying, “This is how it is today.  How do I make the most of the present?”

I have come to accept that those I have loved and have died, are living in Heaven and my life continues here on earth.  It is different without them, but their lives have been completed here on earth.  I cannot add anything or take anything away from their lives.  I accept their love and their legacy continues in me and in those they have influenced.  I have come to accept myself for who I am now and whose I am in Christ.  I accept that God blessed me with different gifts and my own unique personality.  I like being me.  I accept that I am not perfect, and I mess up from time to time and not everybody will like me or my choices. And that is fine with me.  Acceptance of self is vital to living in the present and finding peace and contentment.

I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  I accept and believe I am forgiven of my sins through Jesus’ death on the cross, and I have a place someday in Heaven because of Jesus’ resurrection.  I believe God is with me.  God loves me.  God created me for a purpose, and the Holy Spirit dwells in me giving me words to share to touch other people’s hearts and help them grow closer to Jesus.  I accept God’s plan, and my purpose is to glorify Him. 

Acceptance does not mean I like everything that has happened to me in life, or that I think life is perfect.  We live in a fallen and broken world where people hurt one another and life is not fair.  I accept that this is true.  But I also accept that God is still in control and that good will win in the end.  When these bad things happen to you and me, it is hard to accept that God allowed it to happen.  I do not understand the “why’s” of life, I just know the “Who” of my life – that God is still with me in the storm and the sorrow and the bad.  I am not alone.

When we accept that this is now our life, we begin to take steps into this different life and find a new way to experience life with new relationships.  I am learning to accept people for who they are.  It is not my responsibility to fix and please everyone.  This acceptance gives me peace and freedom.  I am responsible for myself and to live as God calls me to live.  Acceptance is living in the now.  It also means I accept that I have worth and value and do not have to allow others to control, use, or abuse me.  I accept the need for boundaries, rules, and laws.  Most of all, I accept that God loves me and when I surrender my life and will to Him, God will guide me on this journey of life.