Cacophony of Life

“Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.”   Psalm 85:8

As Spring approaches, I am beginning to hear the sweet songs of the morning birds on my run.  As I was thanking God for these beautiful sounds, my prayer was interrupted by the squawk of a crow, the honk of the geese, the siren from the firetruck and then the squeal of tires.  It was quite a cacophony as the sun was rising.

A cacophony is a discordant mixture of sounds.  Some of these sounds are unharmonious and disagreeable while others sound like just a lot of loud racket. Still other sounds blend into the morning menagerie as the earth awakens to a new day.

So what is the cacophony in your own head?  I believe we each have a lot of sounds, voices, words that go around in our head that disagree and do not make sense.  Thoughts jump in and we wonder where they came from.  When we attempt to make a decision, it seems like conflicting views battle inside our head preventing us from make a choice.

Then we step out into the world and the cacophony is even stronger.  The mixture of voices and opinions bombard us on media and even in the conversations with friends and strangers.  It seems people are very willing to express their view on any subject even if they have no knowledge.

As we live into our different life, we recognize some days the thoughts and voices in our head are conflicting and full of anxiety, worry, and fear, but we also include our prayers and Scripture into this mixture.  We worry about our future and if we are making the right decisions.  It feels so overwhelming with the weight of the load on our shoulders.  But we began the day trusting God and confident that we can do this and God is with us.  Then we step into life and doubt and fear and worry take over.

Sometimes we plan our day, week, and life and expect God to bless it and follow our plan.  Other times we just go on our own strength thinking we need to do more and prove ourselves to God.  We need to show God we are worthy of His presence and blessing.  Other times we just go alone not even considering or thinking about God.  The sounds of our life are jumbled with no distinctive peaceful melody.

Why does life feel like a cacophony?  So confusing without contentment and peace.  I believe we attempt to use only our strength to live, and we barely survive under the heavy load.  We are easily overwhelmed and exhausted relying only on our own strength and power.

Surrender is the key to release all these voices and sounds and find the peaceful melody of life God intended for us to experience.  Surrender to God every part of you.  Sit with Jesus and hold his hand.  Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.  Listen to the voice of the Spirit not the cacophony within your head and the world.  How do you listen?  First, just sit still, be quiet, and pray without words.  Just sigh and reach out your hand and take the hand of God.  See each day as a clean slate for God to fill not you.  As we live in the present moment with God, our focus is on God not our worries and fears.  Keep pulling yourself back to the present moment and take the hand of Jesus.  Listen to the peaceful melody of the Spirit within your soul.  Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with strength and courage and peace.