Moments of Christmas

“The virgin will be pregnant.  She will have a son, and they will name him “Immanuel” which means God is with us.”  Matthew 1:23

I have accepted that Hallmark Christmas movies have some truth but not much reality.  It is more fiction than daily life.  There are Hallmark moments we experience in the season of Christmas.  Some light displays and cozy warm fires bring that feeling of the magic of the Christmas season.  But most of the time we live in unrealistic expectations that we can create the perfect moment.  Nothing is perfect all the time nor does every plan develop into a masterpiece.  Every family has some dysfunction and disagreement.  We all mess up from time to time, make mistakes, and our words sometimes hurt or offend.  Not an excuse but reality.

This time of year becomes more stressful and emotional.  Some of the reason is because of loss and not having our loved one to share the special moments.  For others, we desire the connection with family that is disconnected.  For those who try to create the perfect holiday celebration, something always goes wrong.  So, we focus on what we think we can control – the gifts, the decorations, the parties, the meals and all the other details that create a picture-perfect Hallmark Christmas.  But we still experience an emptiness and miss Christmas.

Christmas is Christ Jesus coming into our world.  Emmanuel is the name given to Jesus which means “God is with us.”  Christmas is about God loving you and me so much that He created a way to save us by his Son, Jesus being born in human form to be the sacrifice for our sins.  God came to be like us so He could redeem us.

So, Christmas to me is when I recognize the moments that God is with me.  Christmas comes in moments.  For example, Christmas came as I worshiped God with the Gaither’s at their Christmas Homecoming Concert.  I was surrounded by people singing and praising God as together we sang and listened to the songs of Christmas.  God’s Spirit was in that place and in our hearts.

Christmas came in the moment I listened to those grieving their loved ones but who also spoke of God’s comfort and presence on the journey.  God came through the words He gave me to share with the group.  Christmas came as a widow shared that she had read my book three times, and God gave her hope and encouragement through the words.  God was with her.

Christmas came as I sat with a friend and his wife as they face his decline and imminent death.  We talked about His faith in Jesus, and God being present with Him.  We talked not about the future but the present moment.  God was right in front of him and helping him find moments of peace.  God was and is with them in their goodbye.

I had moments of Christmas as I met with my friend, and we shared our lives and heart.  God was with us and always has been in our lives and friendship.  I am coming to understand that Christmas comes in moments when I recognize God’s presence with me.  God is with me in relationships when I acknowledge His presence and welcome Him into the relationship.

Are you welcoming God into your moments of Christmas?  No matter how sad, lonely, or different this season of Christmas may feel right now, invite God’s presence into it.  God comes to us in our moments when we quiet our souls and receive Him.  Christmas comes in the quietness of God’s whisper – “I am with you.”