Comfort and Joy

“You will teach me how to live a holy life.  Being with you will fill me with joy; at your right hand I will find pleasure forever.”  Psalm 16:11


I enjoy listening to the songs of Christmas. Songs that share the story of the birth of Jesus are the only songs that fill me with joy.  I love the music which makes me sway back and forth and fills my heart with memories.  The words express the coming of Jesus into our dark world to bring hope and salvation.  What was it like for Mary and Joseph to know that their child was the Son of God?  What did Mary really know?  The songs fill me with wonder and pull me into the reason for Christmas.

As I listen to the songs of Christmas, certain songs remind me of people who either sang them or loved them.  “O Holy Night” reminds me of my dear friend, Nancy Welshon, who sang this song every Christmas Eve until she was 91 years old.  “Go, Tell It On the Mountain” reminds me of Walter Fox who was in the church I grew up in, and Walter always requested the song the Sunday after Christmas.  “Away In a Manger” is the first song I remember singing as a child. “Silent Night” brings the image of candles and the darkness of the sanctuary being illuminated by all the candles as they are slowly lit throughout the sanctuary.

The music and the words go deep within my soul.  While I enjoy the lights of Christmas and the trees looks beautiful, my soul is not deeply touched by the décor of the season.  This year is the first of many Christmas seasons where I am seeking joy.  Joy has been mingled with grief for so long.  I feel the grief and sadness this year with the loss of my dear companion dog, Annie.  The words of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” seem to resound in my heart this year-” Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, oh tidings of comfort and joy.”  I seek God’s comfort and His joy.

I recently had lunch with my almost 90-year-old dear friend whose wife went to Heaven this year.  He found comfort knowing his wife was healed in Heaven and with Jesus whom she loved.  As tears filled his eyes as we talked about his dear wife, I felt the joy of God’s presence with us and the comfort of God’s hand upon us.  In that moment, my soul was filled with comfort and joy.  Christmas had come to me in that moment.

What is comfort and joy?  Comfort is a state of ease from pain and grief.  It is a relief from the burden of carrying the sadness and sorrow alone. Comfort comes when we allow God to help carry the burden.  Joy is an inner contentment.  We cannot sustain joy and comfort on our own.  God provides the joy.  Nehemiah 8:10 states – “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” The only way we have true joy is by living close to Jesus and receiving His joy and comfort.

Happiness is different from joy.  I find happiness in external possessions and events and circumstances.  Happiness only lasts for that one moment. I have noticed that the secular songs are about happiness – “Happy Holidays” and “Home for the Holidays.”  This year, I find that the songs that do not share Jesus make me sad not happy.  Joy is found only in Jesus.  Joy is within us and is not based on external circumstances.  Joy is lasting even when it mingles with sorrow and grief. 

This Christmas I am seeking joy.  Joy that is found only in Jesus when we choose to walk with Jesus even in our sadness and sorrow knowing we can find contentment in His presence.  Seek the presence of Jesus this Christmas.