Progress Not Perfection

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  Romans 12:2 NIV

The sign on the pre-school marquee read – “Progress not Perfection.”  I like that statement.  Progress means you are going forward and working toward something.  You have not arrived, but you are taking steps.  Someone left me a message wanting to talk with me.  The message stated, “I’m ready to move forward with my life, and I don’t want to do it wrong.  I need to talk it through with you.”  Great statement of progress.  Ready to live in his different life but needed guidance.  She wanted to find purpose again to her life she told me, and he needed to make a decision for his future.  Both desiring steps forward.

In life, we desire purpose and meaning, and we want to do it perfectly right.  So what is your standard of measurement?  Is it a comparison to others?  If so, you need to remember God created you as an individual with different gifts, abilities, and purpose than those around you.  When you measure your life, progress and even decisions on those around you, it may seem you are not progressing as quickly or going in the same direction.  They appear to be doing life effortlessly while you are struggling.  Their lives seem perfect, and you do not feel like you are even progressing.  That is your perception.

If your measuring stick is social media, it questions everything you do.  Society tends to be judgmental and demanding while easily pointing out your flaws and lack of thought in decisions.  Your progress is rarely praised.  It just calls attention to where you fall short.  Perfection is defined by social media as doing the standard without flaw like everyone else.  Someone created the standard and does not want you to deviate from it.

So, I am changing the focus from others and social media to God.  God is perfect.  Jesus calls us to be perfect.  “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  (Matthew 5:48)  One definition of perfection is the state or quality of being free or as free as possible from flaws or defects.  God is free of sin and has no flaws or imperfections.  When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are free from the hold of sin on our lives.  We are forgiven for our sins.  We are free to live without the burden of the past sins and to be released of the guilt of sin.  God looks at our heart which has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus.  We continue to fight against sin and progress toward being perfect.  God knows in this world we will not be perfect.  That happens in Heaven.

What God requires is that we progress toward perfection – to be free from what holds us back from living in relationship with Him. To do this, we need to surrender control of our total being to God.  Is God in charge of your mind, your thoughts, your dreams, your body, your social life, your relationships?  You may worship God and give Him praise and even spend quiet time in devotion and prayer.  All of this is vital to your personal relationship with Jesus but to go toward perfection and be free of the bonds of sin in this world, you need to make progress in all areas of your life.  It is allowing God to permeate every aspect of your life helping you to make progress in living life abundantly for God.

There is no compartmentalization with God.  God wants you and me to give control of our thoughts to Him, what we watch, scroll through, listen to – everything we put into our minds and everything that comes out of our mouth, needs to glorify God.  That needs to be our heart’s desire.  God knows we will mess up and not be perfect, but is it our desire to progress toward this perfection of living in constant communion and awareness of God’s Presence?

In your relationships is God an active participant?  In your social life and family life, can others see Jesus in your words, actions, and love?  It is a process, but are you intentionally progressing toward God being in the center of all of your life?

You may be thinking, “I’m nowhere near perfection.  I’m struggling just to survive.”  Remember, it is a process.  In this different life, I have learned to focus on one day at a time.  That’s how God created us to live in one 24-hour period of time.  So, I begin each day asking God, “What is my purpose today?” What does God want you to do today? It is not about a huge life purpose.  It is about the reason God has for you today.   Our purpose is to glorify God.  It may be through a conversation, a hug or a smile to someone having a tough day.  I ask God to place on my path His “God appointments” for the day.  In making decisions, am I being a good steward of what God has blessed me?  It is waiting on God’s leading.

I desire to keep my focus on the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to direct my path.  I may take some wrong turns and mess up.  God knows my heart’s desire is to follow Him on the path to His perfect love.  I ask forgiveness and keep making progress.   Progress not perfection!